How Much Does a Window Screen Cost? (Installation & Replacement Cost Guide)

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January 11, 2024

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Most window screens cost between $100 and $500, but the price varies significantly depending on the material, window size, and screen frame material. The most expensive window screens can cost up to $1,000, while simple premade screens you might find at your local hardware store or Home Depot can cost as little as $30 to $50.

In this comprehensive guide, we break down all the factors that affect the cost of window screens, including materials, labor, window type, and more. We also discuss the pros and cons of hiring a professional vs. replacing your window screens yourself and when you can get away with repairing your window screens instead of replacing them altogether.

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  • The national average cost of a window screen is around $300, but the range of window screen prices is tremendous, making the average cost a less useful statistic.
  • Installing replacement window screens is a relatively straightforward home improvement project that is well within reach of most homeowners’ DIY skills.
  • Repairing window screens is much cheaper than purchasing new ones, although you won’t be able to repair a screen too many times before you’ll have to replace it.

What Is the Average Cost of Window Screens?

The national average cost of a window screen is around $300, but the range of window screen prices is tremendous, making the average cost a less useful statistic. Premium window screens featuring special materials can cost upward of $1,000 a pop, while your run-of-the-mill aluminum screen might only cost $30.

Today’s Homeowner Tips
The two most important factors that influence the cost of a window screen are the material the screen is made of and the type of window screen in question.

Window Screen Cost by Material

The following table provides some insight on how different materials affect the cost of a window screen. We’ve broken down the costs by material and included an estimate of the installation cost per screen, although your local installation rates may differ. Your best bet is to get estimates from local contractors.

Window Screen MaterialAverage PriceInstallation Cost
Stainless Steel$45–$350$15–$30

Window Screen Cost by Type

Not all window screen replacements cost the same. Simple premade screens are much cheaper to replace than custom window screens or specialty screens. Here’s a quick look at what you can expect to pay for custom window screens and movable window screens.

Custom Window Screen Pricing

If you have non-standard windows, you’ll need to pay extra to have custom screens made. Custom window screens can cost between $30 and $100 per frame, with an additional $0.50 to $30 for the screen material on a per-square-foot basis.

The good news is that labor costs for custom window screen installations are not more expensive than for standard installations, so you can expect to pay between $15 and $50 to have your custom window screens installed.

Including labor, you’re looking at between $75 and $300, unless you need a special type of window screen. That will push your price up even more.

Today’s Homeowner Tips

Consider the type of custom window screen you need. If you need one with special features such as retractability or movability, you’ll have to pay close to $100 per screen extra.

Movable Window Screen Pricing

Movable window screens are incredibly useful, letting you adjust your screens without removing them from the window frame. The most popular type of movable window screen moves along a track, allowing you to slide the screen up or down to access the window and screen for cleaning or altering the lighting in your room. These screens cost between $140 and $500 to replace, on average, although most will cost between $140 and $250.

The second most popular type of movable screen is a retractable window screen. Retractable window screens are a more complex design and cost more to replace — typically between $300 and $1,000.

What Are Factors that Impact Window Screen Installation Cost?

The total cost of having new window screens installed varies depending on the size of your windows, what screen material you want, labor rates, whether you need a window screen repair or a total replacement, and the location and accessibility of your windows. Let’s take a look at each factor in turn.

Window Size

The simplest factor that affects the cost of getting new window screens is the size of your windows. Simply put, larger windows require more material and are more cumbersome to work with, making them more expensive to install.

Window Costs per Square Foot by Material

The material you choose has the largest impact on the cost of replacing your window screens. The following table summarizes the cost of different window screen materials per square foot and the cost of material per window, assuming an average window size of six square feet.

Window Screen MaterialAverage Cost Per Square FootAverage Cost Per Window Screen
Stainless Steel$1.00–$1.50$6.00–$9.00

Labor Costs

Labor costs make up a significant portion of the total cost of a window screen installation, even for premade screens. The average labor cost for installing a preassembled screen is around $20 to $25, depending on the cost of living in your area. Custom screens that need to be cut to size and assembled require more labor and cost between $25 and $50 per screen.

Replacement vs. Rescreen

If your window screens need to be replaced but the frames are intact, you can save money by rescreening. As long as your screen frames aren’t damaged or warped, you can just pay for new screen material and save a bundle. While the cost for materials is greatly reduced if you can get away with rescreening, labor costs typically are not since it takes more work to rescreen most types of window screens. It’s worth getting a few cost estimates before you decide if rescreening is worth it.

Window Location & Accessibility

This factor is related to labor costs but warrants its own section since it can have a major impact on the total cost of a screen replacement.

If some of your windows are hard to access, you’ll have to pay a bit more for your screen installation. Some contractors will charge more for difficult windows, but even if the hourly rate for labor doesn’t change, your installation will take longer, leading to elevated labor costs anyway. The good news is that most inaccessible windows don’t have screens since they’re often in places that make them hard to open, eliminating the need for a screen.

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DIY vs. Professional Window Screen Installation

Hiring a professional to install your window screens is the easier option, but it can get expensive depending on how many windows you have. Luckily, installing replacement window screens is a relatively straightforward home improvement project that is well within reach of most homeowners’ DIY skills.

Pros and Cons of a Professional Window Screen Installation

The main advantage of hiring a pro to perform your window screen installation is that it will save you time. An experienced contractor will be able to install about one window screen per hour, depending on how easy your windows are to access.

Today’s Homeowner Tips
One downside to hiring a professional is that you’ll often have to wait several weeks for an appointment. If you want to replace your window screens immediately, your best bet is to purchase preassembled screens and install them yourself.

Pros and Cons of DIY Window Screen Installation

Even though it will probably take you a bit longer if you go the DIY route, you’ll save a nice chunk of change by eliminating labor costs. Most professional window screen installers charge between $20 and $60 per window, so doing the installation yourself can save you a few hundred dollars, depending on how many windows you have.

One thing to keep in mind before you set out to install new window screens yourself is that you’ll need a few tools on hand to make the job easier, which raises your costs slightly unless you already have everything you need. At the bare minimum, you’ll need:

  • Hacksaw
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Spline tool or screen mesh roller
  • Tape measure

Cost To Replace Window Screens Yourself

If you decide to give it a go and replace your window screens yourself, you’ll save between $15 and $60 per window, depending on the material you choose. That means the total cost will be between $30 and $1,000 — again, depending on the screen material.

Is It Cheaper to Repair or Replace Window Screens?

It’s significantly cheaper to repair window screens since you can use the frames you already have. Unfortunately, not all damage to window screens is repairable, so you might have to replace the screen entirely depending on the extent of damage. For example, it’s typically easier to patch window screens in the middle of the screen rather than the edge. If part of the screen has detached from its frame, you’ll probably have to replace the entire screen.

Most screen repair technicians will also recommend a total replacement for screens with multiple holes or larger holes. Patches on large holes are unlikely to hold for long, so it’s usually more cost-effective to bite the bullet and pay to replace the screen.

If you’re on a budget and want to save on window replacement costs, you might consider doing it yourself. See our video guide on DIY window screen replacement.

Window Replacement
Window replacement typically costs between $400 and $1,000, depending on the type & material.
man repairing crack window
Window Repair
Leak repairs may cost $50 to $150, while more critical issues like frame damage can cost up to $1,000.
Energy Efficient Glass
Upgrading your home’s windows with double or triple-pane glass may range from $700 to $2,000+.

Final Thoughts On Window Screen Costs

Many new homeowners are surprised to learn how expensive it can be to replace their window screens. Even low-cost options like fiberglass and aluminum screens cost between $30 and $40 per window, which adds up quickly if you have many windows. If you want to upgrade your screens to a premium material like brass or copper, the costs rise more quickly, and you should expect to spend at least several hundred dollars per screen.

You can keep your project cost down by choosing an affordable material and installing your screens yourself. Another option is to salvage any screens that can be repaired. Repairing window screens is much cheaper than purchasing new ones, although you won’t be able to repair a screen too many times before you’ll have to replace it.

If you’re also considering replacing your window glass and wondering about the cost, you should check out our guide on the cost of window glass replacement.

FAQs About Window Screens

Can You Replace Just the Screen on a Window?

Yes, you can. Most window units have separate screens and panes, making it easy to replace each independently. Some high-end windows come with integrated screens that are difficult or impossible to replace, but they are relatively uncommon.

What Can You Use Instead of a Window Screen?

Not much, unfortunately. If you have a damaged window screen and can’t afford to repair or replace it, your best option is to simply keep the window closed. Rigging a temporary solution with other materials like mesh is more trouble than it’s worth. Look into repairing your damaged screens if you can’t afford to replace them. Screens with small holes are usually salvageable with a simple patch.

Do You Need To Replace the Window Frame if There Is a Problem With the Screen?

No! If you notice that one of your screens is damaged, you can simply replace the screen. Depending on what kind of damage you have, you might be able to get away with repairing the screen. More substantial damage to the screen requires a full replacement, as does damage to the screen’s frame. In either case, you don’t need to replace the window frame.

How Do You Rescreen a Window?

Rescreening a window is a fairly simple process. After you remove the current screen from the existing frame, installing a new one is as easy as cutting the screen material to size and using a spline tool to affix it to the frame. You’ll be left with some excess material that you’ll need to cut away with scissors.

How Much Does a Screen Door Cost?

The cheapest screen doors only cost a few hundred dollars, but higher quality screen doors can cost as much as $1,500 to $2,000. The type of screen you use is the main cost of a screen door, with pet screens, security screens, and solar screens occupying most of the higher end of the price range. Fiberglass screens and aluminum screens are the most affordable.

Editorial Contributors
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Dan Simms


Dan Simms worked in real estate management for five years before using his experience to help property owners maintain their own homes. He got his master’s degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, and he now enjoys sharing his knowledge about homeownership and DIY projects with others on Today’s Homeowner. When he’s not writing, he’s usually outdoors with his wife and his dog, enjoying mountain biking, skiing, and hiking.

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Lora Novak

Senior Editor

Lora Novak meticulously proofreads and edits all commercial content for Today’s Homeowner to guarantee that it contains the most up-to-date information. Lora brings over 12 years of writing, editing, and digital marketing expertise. She’s worked on thousands of articles related to heating, air conditioning, ventilation, roofing, plumbing, lawn/garden, pest control, insurance, and other general homeownership topics.

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