How Much Does Linoleum Flooring Cost?

Average Cost Range
? All cost data throughout this article are collected using the RS Means construction materials database.
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$3 - $6 per square foot

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Updated On

January 11, 2024

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Understanding the factors that influence linoleum flooring cost is crucial for homeowners and looking to invest in a stylish yet eco-friendly flooring solution. If you’re looking for a flooring option with high durability, a low environmental impact, and tons of designs to choose from, linoleum should be at the top of your list.

We’ve spent enough time thinking about different types of flooring to know all the ins and outs and gotchas. We’re putting that experience to work in this guide to help you make the best decision for your home and avoid the pitfalls many homeowners make when it comes to installing linoleum flooring.

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Hardwood Flooring
In general, the cost of hardwood flooring tends to range between $3 and $10 per square foot before labor costs.
Carpeted Flooring
In general, the cost of carpet tends to range between $2 and $10 per square foot depending on the material and style.
Laminate Flooring
Laminate floors will cost anywhere from $2 to $8 per square foot depending on the thickness of the fiberboard base layer.
  • Linoleum flooring costs an average of $4.50 per square foot to install.
  • The type of linoleum flooring you choose and other materials used can affect the cost.
  • A DIY installation is the best way to save on linoleum flooring costs.

How Much Does Linoleum Flooring Cost?

The average cost of linoleum flooring is $3 to $6 per square foot for materials. There are premium options that can cost as much as $5 to $10 per square foot, as well as budget-friendly options that cost just $2 to $3 per square foot.

$2 – $5$3 – $6$5 – $10

How Do Linoleum Flooring Costs Differ By Type?

One of the main factors that determines the cost of linoleum flooring is the type of linoleum you choose.

Material TypeCost Per Square Foot
Linoleum sheets$2 – $5
Linoleum planks$3 – $7
Linoleum tiles$4 – $8

Linoleum Sheets

The cheapest way to buy linoleum flooring is to purchase sheets of linoleum. Linoleum sheet flooring is priced per square foot and usually comes in 6- or 7-foot sheets. The price per square foot for linoleum sheets is $2 to $5, although higher quality linoleum sheets that cost $6 to $8 per square foot also exist.

Linoleum sheets are great for large areas since you can install them without as many cuts, which reduces the number of seams. Sheets take more work to install, especially in smaller areas, because you need to make precise cuts to make sure the flooring fits the room.

Cutting a large sheet of linoleum flooring
Image Source: Adobe Stock

If you use glue-down sheets to install your linoleum floor yourself, you should check out the video below, in which Danny Lipford explains how to remove glue from your tiles once you’re done — and trust us, you’ll need to!

Linoleum Planks

Linoleum planks are very similar to linoleum tiles and also often come in a click-together variety. Planks have a rectangular shape rather than the square shape of tiles, which makes them better at mimicking hardwood flooring. Planks are the most expensive type of linoleum flooring, costing $3 to $7 on average. Linoleum planks are also popular in the DIY community and come in tons of different designs.

Cleaning a linoleum plank floor
Image Source: Adobe Stock

Linoleum Tiles

Linoleum tiles are much easier to install than linoleum sheets, but they’re also more expensive. The average cost of linoleum tiles is $4 to $8 per square foot. Some linoleum tiles are click-together, which means you install them by snapping them together using a handy interlocking mechanism. Click-together linoleum tile flooring is the most popular type of linoleum flooring among DIY-ers.

Image Source: Adobe Stock
Laying of linoleum tile flooring

How Do Additional Costs Affect Linoleum Flooring Prices?

While linoleum makes up the bulk of the cost of installing linoleum flooring, there are several additional costs that affect the total cost of the project.

Additional CostAverage Cost
Removing old flooring$1.00 – $4.00
Subfloor repairs$1.00 – $6.00
Underlayment$0.30 – $0.60
Installation costs$2.00 – $6.00
Additional materials$1.00 – $1.50

Remove Old Flooring

Removing old flooring is time-consuming and raises the cost of a new flooring project. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can remove your old flooring yourself. Letting the pros do it will cost you $1.00 to $4.00 per square foot, depending on what type of flooring you currently have. Carpet removal is easy and cheap, while removing hardwood flooring is much more labor-intensive and expensive.

Subfloor Repairs

Nothing derails a linoleum floor installation faster than subfloor issues. If you need your subfloor leveled or repaired, it can cost $1.00 to $6.00 per square foot, depending on the amount of work that needs to be done. Basic repairs like securing loose floorboards or patching small holes should only cost $1.00 to $3.00 per square foot, on average.

More intensive work like leveling or a full subfloor replacement will cost significantly more, typically running $3.00 to $6.00 per square foot, or even more in some cases.


Underlayment is an important component to your floor, helping to keep moisture out and protect it from structural wear in high-traffic areas. Luckily, even high-quality underlayment won’t cost you much. The average cost of underlayment for linoleum flooring is $0.03 to $0.06 per square foot.

Installation Costs

Installing linoleum flooring costs between $2 and $6 per square foot, depending on where you live. Keep in mind that urban areas and other high-cost-of-living regions will have higher labor rates than rural areas. The best way to save some money on flooring installation costs is to get as many quotes as you can from local flooring contractors. Most companies offer free quotes, so you can shop around until you find a good deal.

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Additional Materials

It’s easy to focus on the cost of the linoleum itself when you’re planning your budget for a linoleum flooring installation, but the cost of other materials like trim, molding, sealants, and adhesives adds up quickly.

It’s difficult to estimate the cost of extra materials without knowing what type of design you’re going for, but most homeowners wind up paying $1.00 to $1.50 per square foot for extra materials. Loose-lay linoleum flooring doesn’t require any adhesive but glue-down tiles do, for example.

Which Factors Impact Linoleum Flooring Cost Estimates?

It’s easy to lose track of all the things you have to pay for when you’re making your budget for a linoleum flooring installation. The following sections go over the primary factors that determine the total cost of installing a new linoleum floor.


One of the big advantages of linoleum over other affordable flooring options is the sheer number of designs and variety of colors it comes in. Faux wood and stone are the most popular designs for linoleum flooring, with more expensive options generally being more convincing imitations. Premium faux-wood linoleum can make the cost of materials 1.5 to 2 times more expensive.

Installation Costs

Installation costs make up a significant chunk of the total cost of a new linoleum floor, unlike installing a cheaper type of flooring, like carpet (check out the cost of carpet installation).

Depending on where you live, you should expect to pay around $30 per hour in labor costs. The larger the area you have done, the more time it will take and the higher the installation cost will be.

The cost of installation will also be higher if you’re having your contractor remove your old flooring. Doing at least part of the installation yourself by prepping the rooms you’re having done beforehand can save you a lot of money, but it’s also time-consuming and takes a lot of work.

Linoleum Quality

The quality of the linoleum used in linoleum flooring has a significant impact on its price. Several factors contribute to the quality of linoleum flooring:

  • Composition: One of the benefits of linoleum flooring is that it is made from natural materials, emitting far fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) compared to many other types of flooring, making it a healthier choice for indoor air quality.Linoleum is typically made from natural materials like linseed oil, cork, tree resin, wood flour, and jute. Higher-quality linoleum may have a higher concentration of these natural materials, making it more durable and eco-friendly but also more expensive.
  • Thickness: Thicker linoleum flooring is more durable than thinner linoleum and can better withstand dents, but it also costs more. Thicker linoleum is also more comfortable to walk on and has better acoustic properties, making your home quieter than thinner, less expensive linoleum.
  • Wear layer: All linoleum flooring has a wear layer to protect it from physical damage. Higher-end linoleum typically comes with a better wear layer that’s scratch-resistant and waterproof.
Today’s Homeowner Tips
You might be able to get away with linoleum flooring with a small wear layer in low-traffic areas. However, upgrading to a more durable tile is all but essential in kitchens and living rooms, where foot traffic can rapidly wear down low-quality tiles.

4 Tips for Saving Money on Linoleum Flooring Costs

Even if you choose a more affordable type of linoleum flooring, you still might find yourself choking at the final quoted price. If you’re looking for some ways to reduce the cost of a new linoleum floor — and don’t mind putting in some elbow grease — here are some tips for saving money.

1. Remove your old flooring yourself

Let’s get the worst tip out of the way first. If you’re pressed for cash, removing your old floor yourself is the best way to take a significant chunk of the cost of linoleum flooring. We’re calling this the worst tip because most people don’t savor the idea of burning an entire weekend pulling up their old carpet, but it’s the best way to save money.

This might not be an option for you if you have a stone or hardwood floor since those are much more difficult to remove. However, if you have carpet or vinyl flooring, removing it yourself will save you a decent amount of money.

2. Be ready to negotiate

A lot of people — especially new homeowners — don’t realize that negotiating with contractors is part of the process. Before you commit to a specific company, get as many quotes as you can from local flooring companies so you know what the going rate for linoleum flooring is in your area. Then be prepared to negotiate using the information you gathered from your free quotes.

3. Shop the sales

Linoleum isn’t the most expensive type of flooring you can get, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth waiting for some juicy sales. Unless you need new floors yesterday, we recommend waiting for a good sale before pulling the trigger. Most retailers heavily mark down stock one or two times per year to make room for new products. The end of the year is also a great time to shop since a lot of companies offer holiday sales.

4. Consider a DIY installation

If you have the skills and know-how to install a linoleum floor yourself, you can reduce the cost of the project to just the cost of flooring materials. Installing a linoleum floor isn’t the most complicated home improvement project, but it might not be a good idea for people with no experience whatsoever.

Choose an easy-to-install type of linoleum flooring like click-together tiles or planks over linoleum sheets, if you don’t want to deal with measuring and cutting pieces yourself. Keep in mind that installing the floor yourself will also require you to perform the finishing touches, like installing molding or trim.

Professional vs. DIY Linoleum Installation

Installing linoleum flooring is well within reach of your average DIYer, but it might be on the intimidating side for people who lack home improvement experience. Assuming your subfloor doesn’t have any issues and you purchase planks or tiles that are easy to install, you shouldn’t have any problems. The trouble starts when you discover that your subfloor is uneven or if you accidentally purchase linoleum sheets that need to be cut.

The bottom line is that most homeowners shouldn’t have trouble installing linoleum flooring in most cases, but if you have the money, a professional installation is definitely the easier route.

Doing Linoleum Flooring Yourself

If you decide to install linoleum flooring yourself, we recommend going with linoleum tiles or planks. Click-together and glue-down panels and tiles are easy to install since you don’t have to worry about measuring and cutting most of the pieces. Linoleum sheets are great for large spaces, but they require you to cut pieces to size to fit your floor area.

Hiring a Professional for Linoleum Flooring Installation

Hiring a pro is the way to go if you want your linoleum installed quickly and you don’t mind paying more for the convenience of having someone else do the work for you. Here are the steps you need to take to get started hiring a professional:

  1. Get quotes from local flooring companies: Start by scheduling as many consultations as you can with local contractors to get a sense of your local prices.
  2. Ask questions: Ask the technician during your consultation any questions you have about the materials they use, their certifications, etc.
  3. Make a short list of your best options: Collect the quotes you get and make a list of the three to five best offers.
  4. Negotiate: With your newfound knowledge of local prices, negotiate with the company you like the best; don’t be afraid to justify your asking price with the research you’ve done on the competition.
  5. Schedule the work: Once you find a company you like at the right price point, schedule a time to have the work done.

You can use the tool below to get instant quotes for your linoleum floor installation project from certified contractors in your area.

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Typical Cost: $6 – $24 per sq foot

So, Is Linoleum Flooring Worth the Cost?

Linoleum is one of the best flooring options you can find, and we recommend it to people who want an easy-to-maintain floor that won’t break the bank. High-end linoleum flooring comes in tons of different colors and designs, so you will most likely be able to find something that fits your home’s aesthetic without coming close to the exorbitant prices you’d have to pay for stone flooring or wood flooring.

Linoleum lasts for years and is easy to maintain with just a little bit of regular sweeping and mopping, so most people find that it’s worth the investment. Keep in mind that linoleum flooring doesn’t increase the value of your home the way hardwood flooring does, so you won’t recoup the money you spend when you sell your home. 

Still, linoleum flooring is easy to install with minimal DIY skills and is a great option for budget-conscious homeowners.

FAQs About Linoleum Flooring

Which is better, vinyl or linoleum?

Both vinyl and linoleum have their own sets of advantages. Vinyl is often chosen for its water resistance, lower cost, and ease of installation. Linoleum is favored for its eco-friendly, biodegradable materials, long-lasting durability, and natural antibacterial properties. The choice between vinyl and linoleum depends on the specific needs and priorities of the project, such as budget, location, and environmental concerns. Laminate flooring is another similarly-priced option if you’re on a tight budget.

How much is vinyl flooring vs linoleum?

Linoleum and vinyl flooring cost roughly the same, with the vast majority of options falling between $2 and $8 per square foot. Keep in mind that prices may vary based on factors such as quality, design, and region. The best linoleum flooring options tend to cost more than the best vinyl flooring options, even if you’re comparing linoleum flooring to luxury vinyl PVC flooring.

Why does linoleum cost more than vinyl?

Linoleum doesn’t usually cost much more than vinyl, but when it does, it’s because it is higher-quality linoleum made from a higher percentage of natural materials like linseed oil, cork dust, and jute. These are more expensive to source compared to the synthetic materials used in vinyl. High-end linoleum is often thicker and a more durable flooring material than vinyl, and its manufacturing process is more complex, which contributes to its higher cost. Note that vinyl flooring installation also costs about the same amount as linoleum floor installation.

How much is linoleum per square foot?

Linoleum typically costs between $2 and $8 per square foot for standard options, with high-end options costing $10 or more per square foot. Installation costs can add an additional $2 to $6 per square foot.

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Dan Simms


Dan Simms worked in real estate management for five years before using his experience to help property owners maintain their own homes. He got his master’s degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, and he now enjoys sharing his knowledge about homeownership and DIY projects with others on Today’s Homeowner. When he’s not writing, he’s usually outdoors with his wife and his dog, enjoying mountain biking, skiing, and hiking.

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photo of Roxanne Downer

Roxanne Downer


Roxanne Downer is a commerce editor at Today’s Homeowner, where she tackles everything from foundation repair to solar panel installation. She brings more than 15 years of writing and editing experience to bear in her meticulous approach to ensuring accurate, up-to-date, and engaging content. She’s previously edited for outlets including MSN, Architectural Digest, and Better Homes & Gardens. An alumna of the University of Pennsylvania, Roxanne is now an Oklahoma homeowner, DIY enthusiast, and the proud parent of a playful pug.

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