Tesla Solar Roof Cost: Price Breakdown and Guide

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? All cost data throughout this article are collected using the RSMeans construction materials database.
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$40,000 - $50,000

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Updated On

March 31, 2024

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The cost of a Tesla solar roof may seem high upfront, but it can quickly pay for itself. Installing a Tesla Solar Roof adds value to your home and can reduce or even eliminate energy bills. Unlike traditional solar panels, this roof is a seamless way to go green. Plus, with the Powerwall, you get backup energy for days.

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How Much Does a Tesla Solar Roof Cost?

The Tesla solar roof cost ranges from $40,000 to $50,000 for an average home with a 6.14 kW system. Although its shingles cost less per watt compared to the national average, the overall price might be higher because you’re getting a new roof, not just solar panels. Still, homeowners can use the Federal Solar Tax Credit and state rebates to offset some of the cost, making the Solar Roof more accessible.

Solar Glass

Not every shingle in a Tesla Solar Roof is solar generating. There are two reasons why – you don’t need all the shingles to be solar to generate enough energy to power your home, and it helps keep the overall system cost down. These tempered glass shingles look similar to slate shingles, and their inactive counterparts match them exactly. The active shingles are 15″ x 45″, produce 71.67 watts, and cost about $1.80 per watt to install. Their cost is far lower than the $3 per watt average for traditional solar panels, but that’s not all you need to complete your Solar Roof.

Non-Solar Shingles and Roofing Materials

A major portion of the Tesla Solar Roof is inactive shingles, meaning they have no solar energy capturing (photovoltaic) electronics in them at all. These inactive shingles look just like the solar versions and are indistinguishable from the ground. If your roof is 1,800 square in area, your costs for inactive shingles and roofing materials will fall between $23,500 and $33,000. The major factors influencing the total cost are your roof’s size and complexity.

Tesla has three roof complexity ties, with simple roofs costing about 38% less than complex ones:

  • Complex roofs – $18.54 per square foot: Multi-level roofs with a steep roof pitch, many obstructions, and a very crowded mounting plane.
  • Intermediate roofs – $15.30 per square foot: Multi-level roofs with a high roof pitch, some obstructions, and a crowded mounting plane.
  • Simple roofs – $13.38 per square foot: Single-level roofs with a low roof pitch, minimal obstructions, and an uncrowded mounting plane.


The Tesla Powerwall costs an additional $11,000 for each battery. Although you don’t need Tesla’s Powerwall battery to use the Solar Roof, it does help make your home even more energy efficient. For example, it stores extra solar energy your home produces during the day for your home to use at night or on cloudy days. And if your power goes out, you can also use it as a battery backup. You can also use this energy storage to charge electric vehicles.

View our in-depth breakdown of the Tesla Powerwall.

Roof Removal

If Tesla needs to remove your existing roof for the Solar Roof installation, they will charge you for it. It costs around $6,500 to remove an average roof, and Tesla arranges roofers to do the work. However, some homeowners can bypass this extra charge if they have a good-condition roof of less than 3/8-inch thick, 3-tab asphalt shingles. Tesla can install the Solar Roof directly over the existing shingles in this case.

If you’re wondering if other types of roofing material can stay on, you’re out of luck. You will have to remove cedar shingles, concrete tiles, architectural shingles, etc., before Tesla can install the Solar Roof.

Permitting, Roof Prep, and Electrical

Tesla takes care of the permitting, roof preparations, inverters, and electrical hookups itself, so you don’t have to worry about it. However, the company doesn’t break down these individual costs. Instead, they’re baked into the overall equipment, and installation cost you pay for the solar roof.

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What is the Average Cost per Watt of Tesla’s Solar Roof?

The cost per watt of a Tesla solar roof can be calculated in two main ways. If only considering the solar shingles, the cost is $1.80 per watt. But, since one must buy the entire Solar Roof, including non-solar components and potentially removing the current roof, the total cost per watt averages to $5.27. This latter value incorporates parts not directly capturing solar energy.

Learn more about the Roof Shingles intallation Cost.

Is Tesla Solar Roof Cheaper than Paying for Solar Panels and a New Roof?

If you’re considering a Tesla Solar Roof for your home, you’re probably weighing it against other renewable energy sources, like traditional solar panels. While solar panels don’t provide the same curb appeal as the Solar Roof, they are still much more affordable, even if you get a new roof along with it.

CostTesla Solar RoofSolar Panels + New Roof
Total Cost$40,000 to $50,000$30,000
Solar System$12,000 (solar producing shingles)$17,000
Old Roof Removal$6,500$1,000
Roof Replacement$21,500 (non-solar shingles and other materials)$12,000

The Tesla Solar Roof costs between $40,000 and $50,000. If the solar roof costs $40,000 for a 6.14 kW system, about $12,000 is for the solar shingles, $6,500 is for roof removal, and $21,500 is for the roof replacement.

On the other hand, a 6.14 kW traditional Tesla solar panel system would cost around $17,000, roof tear-off is about $1,000, and roof replacement is approximately $12,000. However, if you have a good asphalt shingle roof and don’t need a new one, your costs will just be $17,000 for the solar panel system.

Read more: Tesla Solar Roof vs Solar Panels: Differences and Cost Guide

Does Tesla Solar Roof Come With a Good Warranty?

The Tesla solar roof warranty offers a comprehensive coverage of 25 years, which includes product, weatherization, and module guarantees. This duration is competitive, as many solar panels offer just 10 or 12-year product warranties.

If you opt for the Powerwall, it’s covered for 10 years. The equipment is built for durability, able to endure impacts and storms.

What Is the Best Way to Finance Your Tesla Solar Roof?

When considering Tesla solar roof financing, options include a loan, lease, or a power purchase agreement (PPA). Tesla typically offers better loan deals than most other lenders, mainly because solar loans are newer and not widely available at traditional banks

If you decide to lease your Solar Roof, Tesla will own it, and you’ll make monthly payments. The benefit of leasing is that you don’t have to come up with all the money upfront. However, you won’t get any tax breaks because you don’t own the system.

You also don’t own the system with a power purchase agreement (PPA). Instead, you make monthly payments, and the solar company owns it. The benefit of this agreement is that your monthly payments will be lower than they would be with a lease because you’re only paying for the power, not the system itself.

Is the Tesla Solar Roof Eligible for Any Incentives?

Tesla solar roof incentives, like the federal and state offerings, can significantly reduce your costs. The investment tax credit (ITC) in particular lets you deduct 26% of the system’s price from federal taxes.

However, the 26% will only apply to the cost of the solar-energy producing component (solar shingles) and not the non-solar shingles. So, if your Solar Roof costs $40,000, and the solar shingles cost $12,000, you will only receive the 26% tax credit on the $12,000 (not $40,000).

Some states, such as California, offer additional incentives, such as rebates, property tax exemptions, and performance-based incentives too. Keep in mind that some incentives and rebates may only apply to the cost of the solar shingles only and not the rest of the roof.

How Much Energy Can the Tesla Solar Roof Produce?

The Tesla solar roof’s energy output is influenced by the size of the roof and the household’s electricity consumption. These tempered glass solar shingles contain embedded cells, which connect in series and parallel to create modules.

Even though specific details are limited on Tesla’s website, it’s mentioned that each shingle generates 71.67 watts, with system offerings for homeowners ranging from 5.32 kW to 12.53 kW.

Tesla and Elon Musk don’t provide the efficiency of their solar shingles to the public. But various third-party tests put the efficiency of the solar shingles at about 8-10%, which is lower than regular solar panels. However, the overall efficiency of the Solar Roof system is even lower because of the non-solar shingles that make up a majority of the roof.

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Is Tesla Solar Roof Worth It?

The bottom line is that the Tesla Solar Roof is more expensive than a regular roof and is also more expensive than a traditional solar panel system combined with a new roof. But, there are several factors to consider when deciding if the Tesla Solar Roof is worth the price.

First, you must decide if you want to own or lease your solar system. If you want to own the system, then the Solar Roof is a good option because you will eventually make your money back in energy savings, and you’re eligible for federal, state, and local rebates and tax incentives.

However, if you’re not interested in owning the system, a solar lease or power purchase agreement (PPA) might be a better option. You don’t get the upfront rebates and tax incentives with a lease or PPA because you’re not the system’s owner.

Some homeowners also don’t like the look of solar panels on their roofs. In that case, the Tesla Solar Roof is a good option because it looks just like a regular, traditional roof. Another factor to consider is whether you need a new roof. If your existing roof is in good condition and doesn’t need to be replaced, then adding a solar panel system will be cheaper and more efficient (in terms of power output) than getting the Solar Roof.

But, if you need a new roof and are interested in solar power, then the Solar Roof is worth considering. Just keep in mind that the cost of the Solar Roof will be higher than a regular roof plus a solar panel system, and the overall efficiency of the Solar Roof will be lower than a regular solar panel system.

We recommend getting quotes from a few solar installation companies before making a final decision. If you enter your zip code below, we’ll connect you with the top installers in your area so you can get some no-obligation quotes in minutes.

Read also: Overview of Solar Panels Statistical Facts

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On average, homeowners save $5,000–$20,000 with solar panels

Read also: Energy Generating Capacity of Solar Panels

FAQs About Tesla Solar Roof Costs

Is Tesla Solar Roof cheap?

The Tesla Solar Roof is not cheap. In fact, it’s one of the most expensive solar roof options on the market. However, it is one of the best options if you need a new roof soon anyway or want to go solar without having intrusive solar panels on your roof.

How long does the Tesla solar roof last?

The Tesla Solar Roof comes with a 25-year warranty, which means it will last at least 25 years. However, it may lose some efficiency after 10-15 years.

How efficient is the Tesla Solar Roof?

The Tesla Solar Roof is about 8% to 10% efficient, which means it converts about that much of the sunlight that hits it into electricity. Most traditional solar panels in 2022 have an efficiency of over 20%.

Editorial Contributors
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Jonathon Jachura


Jonathon Jachura is a two-time homeowner with hands-on experience with HVAC, gutters, plumbing, lawn care, pest control, and other aspects of owning a home. He is passionate about home maintenance and finding the best services. His main goal is to educate others with crisp, concise descriptions that any homeowner can use. Jon uses his strong technical background to create engaging, easy-to-read, and informative guides. He does most of his home and lawn projects himself but hires professional companies for the “big things.” He knows what goes into finding the best service providers and contractors. Jon studied mechanical engineering at Purdue University in Indiana and worked in the HVAC industry for 12 years. Between his various home improvement projects, he enjoys the outdoors, a good cup of coffee, and spending time with his family.

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Roxanne Downer


Roxanne Downer is a commerce editor at Today’s Homeowner, where she tackles everything from foundation repair to solar panel installation. She brings more than 15 years of writing and editing experience to bear in her meticulous approach to ensuring accurate, up-to-date, and engaging content. She’s previously edited for outlets including MSN, Architectural Digest, and Better Homes & Gardens. An alumna of the University of Pennsylvania, Roxanne is now an Oklahoma homeowner, DIY enthusiast, and the proud parent of a playful pug.

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