How Much Does Emergency Plumbing Cost?

Average National Cost
? All cost data throughout this article are collected using the RS Means construction materials database.
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$68 - $450

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Updated On

April 21, 2024

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Plumbing emergencies are serious. Plumbing disasters — like a gas leak — can be dangerous and cost you thousands of dollars if they’re not fixed. Emergency plumbers come to your home 24/7 and are a lifesaver in any plumbing emergency. That’s why you need an emergency plumber from a reputable plumbing company.

But like many homeowners, you’re probably wondering how much emergency plumbing costs. We use real data from RS Means, a building materials database used by real plumbing contractors, to give us accurate cost data for your plumbing services — including materials, parts, and hourly rates.

Need immediate plumbing services? Call your local plumbing company or enter your information using the link below.

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Boiler Replacement
Generally, you can expect to pay $5,300–$9,500 to replace your home’s boiler. Price will vary for electric, gas, and wood models.
Emergency Plumbing
You can typically expect to pay $68–$450 for emergency plumbing, depending on the severity of the problem at hand.
photo of a geothermal heat pump
Ejector Pump
Generally, you can expect to pay between $850–$5,500 for a new ejector pump, depending on the type of pump you need.
  • Emergency plumbers are available 24/7 to come to your home in an emergency
  • The average homeowner pays $170 per hour of emergency plumbing service
  • You’ll pay up between $100 and $600 per hour for emergency plumbing services

How Much Does It Cost to Get Emergency Plumbing Service?

On average, you can expect to pay between $68 and $450 per hour for emergency plumbing services. However, most homeowners pay $170 per hour for these services. These fees apply when you need plumbing services outside of regular business hours, such as at night or on weekends.

Luckily, many companies have emergency services for your plumbing needs. Some may charge a flat fee for the service call, but you may also pay an hourly rate for these services. The table below represents the average hourly rate for emergency plumbing services.


Costs reflect the hourly rate of emergency plumbers and do not include the cost to repair emergency plumbing issues.

How Do Emergency Plumbing Costs Differ By Service?

Plumbing repair costs are expensive whenever water is where it shouldn’t be, but emergency plumbing repairs can be up to three times more expensive. Unlike a busted faucet that can wait a few days to be fixed, emergency plumbing requires immediate action.

This on-call service contributes to high costs, but the nature of emergency plumbing situations can inherently make it more expensive. If your pipe bursts or you have a sewer backup, fixing it can cost $1,000 or more.

Below you’ll find the most common plumbing emergencies and the cost of having residential plumbers repair them.

Pipe MaterialAverage Emergency Repair Cost
Burst, frozen, or leaking pipe$500 – $1,500
Clogged toilet or drain$400 – $1,400
Gas leak$600 – $1,400
Septic tank or sewer backup$400 – $1,000

Values reflect cost to repair major plumbing emergencies.

Burst or Frozen Pipe

The cost to repair a burst or frozen pipe depends on the extent of the damage, but you can expect to pay between $500 and $1,500 on average. If you catch the burst pipe early and avoid major flooding, the average cost for these plumbing repairs is $800 to $900 — a little lower. However, if you’re not so lucky, expect to pay $1,500 or more to fix the pipe, remove the water, and repair any other materials.

Clogged Toilet or Drain

A clogged toilet or drain can cause severe water damage, rendering these important systems useless until they’re repaired. Most drain clogs can be repaired for less than $500, but a flooded toilet can cost up to $1,400.

Before you call your plumber, see if you can fix a running toilet by watching the video below.

Gas Leak

A natural gas leak is one of the most dangerous plumbing emergencies, because gas is flammable and can potentially lead to explosions if left unchecked. If you suspect a gas leak, get your family and pets out of the house before you call an emergency plumber.

The average cost to repair your gas leak is $600 to $1,400 — however, most homeowners pay between $800 and $900 for this emergency repair. This cost includes permits, labor, and the materials needed to fix it.

Sewer Backup

Even though the average cost to repair a sewer line is between $600 and $700, you could pay anywhere from $400 to $1,000 or more — depending on the type of backup. If you need a quick drain snake, the total cost is between $400 and $700. However, if you have significant damage to the sewer line or a tree root that needs to be removed, the repair cost can be nearly $7,000.

emergency plumbing cost for busted pipes under sink
Photo credit: Canva

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How Does When You Need Service Affect Emergency Plumbing Pricing?

The difference between regular plumber rates and emergency service rates is when your emergency happens. If your toilet overflows in the middle of the day and you can get a plumber to your home during regular business hours, you’ll probably pay the regular rate. However, if you’re unlucky enough to have a burst pipe on Thanksgiving or another holiday, you’ll have to pay up to three times more than the regular plumbing rate.

The cost of an emergency service depends on when you need a plumber. If it’s the middle of the night on a Tuesday and you need someone to fix your clogged drain, you’ll likely pay time and a half, which averages $68 to $225 per hour. However, if you need a plumber on the weekend, you’ll pay double-time and triple-time for plumbing services on holidays.

In the chart below, you can see what you’ll pay for an emergency plumber depending on when your plumbing emergency occurs.

When You CallAverage After Hours RateAverage Hourly Rate
EveningTime and a half$68 – $225
WeekendDouble time$90 – $300
HolidayTriple time$135 – $450

Costs reflect the hourly rate of emergency plumbers and do not include the cost to repair emergency plumbing issues.

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Which Factors Impact Emergency Plumbing Cost Estimates?

Although the hourly rate is the most important cost factor for emergency plumbing, some additional factors could impact your total cost. These added cost factors include the following:

  • Distance
  • Level of expertise
  • Location


If you live in a rural area and don’t have access to a local plumber, you may need to pay a trip fee to have a plumber come to your home. This cost will depend on how far the plumber travels, but you can expect to pay a flat rate between $50 and $300 for this service.

Level of Expertise

Like any job position, the more experience your plumber has, the more their hourly wage. The most experienced plumbers make $150 or more per hour, whereas new apprentice plumbers may make $45 per hour. Remember, this hourly rate often doubles or even triples in emergency plumbing situations, so if you want the most accurate estimate for your plumbing emergency, call your local plumbing business.

  • Apprentice: An apprentice plumber cannot work unsupervised, so they work alongside a more experienced plumber to learn the trade. At $45 to $90 per hour, you may pay both the apprentice and the more experienced plumber for emergency plumbing work.
  • Journeyperson: Journey-level plumbers can work unsupervised, have at least five years of experience, and hold the appropriate plumbing license to work on your systems. Journeypersons can diagnose and repair your plumbing issues. On average, you’ll pay a journeyperson $60 to $110 per hour.
  • Master plumber: Master plumbers are the most experienced and have the most authority, so they make the most at $80 to $150+ per hour. They can diagnose and repair plumbing problems but can also pull permits. These licensed plumbers often have specialized certifications in plumbing systems, such as sewer line and natural gas installations.
Plumber’s TitleAverage Hourly Rate
Apprentice$45 – $90
Journeyperson$60 – $110
Master$80 – $150+

Costs reflect the average hourly rate of plumbers and does not include the cost to repair emergency plumbing issues.


Where you live will impact how much you’ll pay for a plumber. If you live in a city or suburb, you’re likely to pay more than homeowners who live in less metropolitan areas. Cities tend to have a higher cost of living than smaller towns, which leads to increased rates for plumbers. For instance, the average plumber makes an annual salary of  $74,360 in California but $68,500 in Pennsylvania.

What Are the Benefits of Having Emergency Plumbing Services?

If you have ever been in a situation where you need emergency plumbing services but don’t have them, then you know how important it is to have a plumber who can come to your home on short notice. It doesn’t matter if your toilet is leaking or if you have natural gas oozing out of your pipes, plumbing disasters can cause major damage and be hazardous to your health.

Immediate Solutions to Plumbing Problems

If your local plumbing company doesn’t offer emergency service, you’re out of luck if you have a plumbing emergency on the weekend. Not only would you be left without a toilet or hot water for days, but the problem could worsen and lead to even more serious plumbing problems. However, your problem can be solved within a few hours if you have an emergency plumber.

emergency plumbing is worth the cost
Photo credit: Canva

Home Safety

Professional plumbers are trained to quickly fix dangerous plumbing disasters, such as gas leaks. If you were to try to fix the problem yourself, you could be putting your health and safety at risk.

Peace of Mind

Even if you have a brand-new water heater, toilet, dishwasher, or other plumbing appliance, it’s always good to know that an emergency plumber is available should something go wrong.

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Professional vs. DIY Emergency Plumbing

A professional plumber should resolve plumbing emergencies. Even if you consider yourself an experienced do-it-yourselfer or handyperson, you should call a plumber if you ever find yourself in an emergency. Otherwise, the water damage could amount to thousands of dollars in repairs.

Doing Emergency Plumbing Yourself

If you have a burst pipe, clogged drain, gas leak, or any other plumbing emergency, you should first turn off the water. You will find shut-off valves near the wall around your toilets and sinks, but the main valve will be in a utility room, basement, or crawl space.

Once the issue is under control, you should call your plumber. In emergencies, an experienced plumber can be at your home in just a few hours to evaluate the problem and begin plumbing repairs.

If you suspect a gas leak, gather all family members and pets and evacuate your home immediately. Once you and your family have safely gotten out of the house, call your emergency utility line or 911.

Today’s Homeowner Tips
Knowing where the main shut-off valve is in a plumbing emergency is always a good idea. If you don’t know where your main water valve is, find it and make sure everyone in your home knows where it is.

Hiring a Professional for Emergency Plumbing

Although you should turn off the water when you experience a plumbing emergency, you should leave the repairs to a professional. Without the help of a plumber, even small plumbing issues can lead to thousands of dollars in repairs.

Use the steps below to get in contact with an emergency plumber when you are in the middle of a plumbing disaster:

  1. Safety first: Before you do anything, make sure that your home is safe. If you have a gas leak, evacuate your home immediately — but if it’s water damage, there are some things you can do before you call a plumber.
  2. Locate the source of the plumbing problem: Figure out where the excess water is coming from and do what you can to neutralize it.
  3. Turn off the water or gas: Once you know where the leak comes from, turn off the main water supply and find the shut-off valve near the water system.
  4. Evaluate the damage: If you have turned off the water and do not have water actively leaking, you can take a moment to evaluate the damage to give your plumber a better idea of what is happening.
  5. Call your plumber: Call your local plumbing company and have them send an experienced plumber as soon as possible.

Ready to get connected to a plumbing company that offers emergency services? Use the button below to get started.

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So, Are Emergency Plumbing Services Worth It?

There is no doubt that emergency plumbing service is worth it. If you have a plumbing emergency, such as a burst pipe or clogged toilet, you need a plumber to come to your home before the problem becomes more serious.

Emergency service plumbers come to your home 24/7 and can even repair your plumbing on weekends and holidays. Even though these services cost up to three times the usual price, they can save you thousands of dollars by fixing the problem before it can lead to serious water damage.

Now that you know how much emergency plumbing costs, check out our most frequently asked questions about emergency plumbing.

FAQs About Emergency Plumbing Cost

What do most plumbers charge per hour?

Most plumbers charge between $45 and $150 per hour during regular business hours, but you could pay up to three times that amount for an emergency plumber. However, the average cost for an emergency plumber is around $170.

How do you avoid a plumbing emergency?

If you want to avoid plumbing emergencies, preventative maintenance is the best thing you can do. If you notice even a small leak, you should call your plumber to have them come to check it out.

What are plumbing emergencies?

Plumbing emergencies can be anything serious that happens to your plumbing systems, such as water pipes, toilets, faucets, and kitchen sinks. The most common types of plumbing emergencies include:

  • Broken water heater
  • Burst pipes
  • Clogged garbage disposal
  • Frozen pipes
  • Gas leaks
  • Leaky faucets and plumbing fixtures
  • Overflowing toilets
  • Sewer backup
  • Sump pump failure
  • Water main breaks

What are the benefits of a plumbing emergency service?

When you have emergency plumbing service, you get prompt assistance when your pipes burst, or the toilet is clogged, and you also have the peace of mind of knowing that if disaster strikes, someone can be at your home within hours to take care of it.

Editorial Contributors
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Alora Bopray

Staff Writer

Alora Bopray is a digital content producer for the home warranty, HVAC, and plumbing categories at Today's Homeowner. She earned her bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of St. Scholastica and her master's degree from the University of Denver. Before becoming a writer for Today's Homeowner, Alora wrote as a freelance writer for dozens of home improvement clients and informed homeowners about the solar industry as a writer for EcoWatch. When she's not writing, Alora can be found planning her next DIY home improvement project or plotting her next novel.

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photo of Roxanne Downer

Roxanne Downer


Roxanne Downer is a commerce editor at Today’s Homeowner, where she tackles everything from foundation repair to solar panel installation. She brings more than 15 years of writing and editing experience to bear in her meticulous approach to ensuring accurate, up-to-date, and engaging content. She’s previously edited for outlets including MSN, Architectural Digest, and Better Homes & Gardens. An alumna of the University of Pennsylvania, Roxanne is now an Oklahoma homeowner, DIY enthusiast, and the proud parent of a playful pug.

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