How Much Does a Rat Exterminator Cost?

Average National Cost
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$145 - $572

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Updated On

January 11, 2024

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There are few pests as viscerally unnerving as rats and other rodents. They creep into your home, find a dark and quiet place to nest, and reproduce en masse between your walls. Over time these invaders will begin to destroy your home and contaminate your food, becoming a major threat to your safety and comfort. 

While some at-home methods, like bait and traps, can help, they won’t be able to stand up to the pure numbers of a full rat infestation. Thankfully, by hiring a professional pest control company like Terminix or Orkin, you can root out these dangerous vermin and eliminate them. This article will help you understand exactly how much a professional rat exterminator costs and what services top companies provide.

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What Is the Average Cost of a Rat Exterminator?

A standard rat extermination for a 2,000-square-foot home costs between $145 and $572, averaging $358. Larger infestations, or infestations on more sizable properties, can cost far more, with some estimates going as high as $1,300. The exact cost of rat removal will depend on the infestation level, how hard the rats are to access, and other factors. 

In some cases, the rats may be so ingrained, or their numbers may be so high, that standard removal techniques are inadequate. When this happens, a pest control company will recommend full fumigation.

One-time visit
This one-time treatment includes an inspection, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up (if needed), costing $150 to $350.
Monthly service
Averaging $125 to $300 for an initial visit, this service includes inspections and treatments, costing between $50 to $75
Annual service
A recurring service that provides regular inspections and treatments once a year, costing between $125 to $500.
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While effective, fumigation is extremely expensive, typically costing between $2,500 and $6,000 or more, depending on the property size.

What Factors Affect Rat Control Pricing?

Beyond home size and infestation levels, other factors can play a major role in the cost of your rat removal. Location, property condition, and treatment method can all impact your final bill. Here is a quick rundown of all the major cost factors you should consider when hiring a pest control company for rat removal: 

  • Infestation location: If the rats are holed up in a location that is hard to reach, such as between walls or within crawl spaces, technicians will have a harder time accessing them for removal, increasing costs.
  • Service type: As mentioned above, certain removal methods will carry a higher price tag. Methods like baits, traps, and rodenticides will be less expensive than fumigation or live removal. 
  • Region and state: Certain states charge a premium for rat control (typically those where rodent infestations are more common). Additionally, urban areas also tend to charge more for rat control as compared to rural locations. 
  • Property condition: If your property is in disrepair, navigating it will be more difficult and dangerous. Due to the increased care and risk associated with damaged properties, pest control companies will charge more. 
  • Level of damage: Some pest control companies offer rodent repair and remediation. With these services, a pest control company will repair the damage caused by rats. The more severe the damage, the more expensive this service will be. 

How Do Rat Control Service Options and Costs Compare?

When choosing how to handle a rat infestation, you have several options available. Most pest control companies offer different services for rat extermination, including inspections, standard removal, full-service removal and remediation, rat exclusion, live capture, monthly visits, and fumigation. 

Service CostDescription
Inspections$75–$200Pest control companies start with an initial inspection. A technician comes to a location and assesses if there are rats present. 
Standard removal $145–$572Standard removal services typically include an inspection, placement of baits and traps, and follow-up visits to reassess and reapply if needed. 
Full service and remediation$200–$700This service includes everything inside a standard removal alongside disposing of dead rats and their debris. 
Rat exclusion$150–$650This service typically includes filling holes, sealing cracks, trimming bushes, replacing screens, etc. This process makes your home unappealing to rats and reduces the chance of future infestations. 
Live capture$50–$75 per rat, or $400–$600+This service is a more humane method of rat removal where pest control services use live traps to capture the rat without killing it, then release it elsewhere. Depending on the infestation size, this service can become extremely expensive. 
Monthly visits$50–$75 per visitThis service is for homes with consistent rat problems or if an infestation requires a long-term plan. With this service, after the initial visit, a pest control company will return for a number of months to apply continual treatment.
Fumigation$2,000–$7,000+This method is only for the most extreme of infestations or for homes where traditional extermination methods will not work. Under fumigation, homes are filled with a toxic gas that kills the rats. Homeowners will need to vacate the premises while this procedure is underway. 

How To Minimize the Cost When Hiring a Rat Exterminator

While rodent exterminators can be costly, especially in the case of severe infestations, there’s plenty homeowners can do to lower the price of their final bill. The most effective way to reduce rat removal costs is to shop intelligently for the right pest control company. 

We always recommend thoroughly researching local rat exterminators before making your final choice. To find the best company, look at its work history, customer service reviews, and common complaints. The Better Business Bureau, Yelp, and the company’s Google My Business page are good places to start. We also recommend reviewing a company’s license through your state’s appropriate regulatory agency. 

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Most state regulatory agencies’ websites contain a lookup tool where you can check any service company’s license information. You may need to know your company’s license number, but any reputable pest control company will be willing to provide it, along with its insurance and bonding information.

Then, once you’ve found a few promising candidates, schedule free inspections with each of them and compare their quotes. During each inspection, be sure to ask questions about their thoughts on the project, gauging their responses and customer service. With this approach, homeowners can find the best company for the most reasonable price. 

Minimize Rodent Control Costs by Keeping Rats Out of Your Home

Additionally, you can save money on rat extermination by making your home a less appealing target for rats in the first place. You can do this by undertaking basic pest control practices to remove attractants and discourage rodent inhabitation. The ways to reduce mice in your home include:

  • Keeping piles of firewood at least 30 feet away from your home. 
  • Removing debris from your lawn. 
  • Keeping your lawn clean, well-trimmed, and devoid of weeds. 
  • Taking out the trash frequently and using sealable plastic bins. 
  • Regularly inspecting your home and foundation for entry points like cracks, gaps, and holes.
    • Any crack or gap one-quarter of an inch or larger should be sealed with a waterproof caulk. 
  • Raking up birdseed from feeders. 
  • Cleaning up any outdoor cat or dog bowls when not in use. 
  • Not letting dishes pile up. 
  • Using plastic containers instead of cardboard boxes in your garage or storage areas. 

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DIY Vs. Professional Rat Control: Which One Is Better?

When homeowners spot a rat in their home, they typically head to the nearest home improvement store and pick up some rat poison or traps. While DIY methods can effectively eliminate a single rodent, it typically isn’t enough to clear out a full infestation. 

If your home is experiencing rat problems, it’s almost always best to seek the aid of a professional exterminator or pest control company immediately. Pest control specialists have the tools, skills, and experience to handle large amounts of rodents more effectively than any DIY method. 

Rat that needs to be exterminated inside a house.

How Much Does DIY Rat Removal Cost? 

DIY rat removal costs will vary depending on the number of rats and the type of traps you want to purchase. Standard “snap” traps only cost a few dollars each but are unreliable and difficult to use, while live capture traps can cost up to $25 per trap. 

Here is a quick breakdown of the cost of DIY rodent removal: 

Trap TypeIndividual CostTotal Cost for a Small InfestationTotal Cost for a Medium Infestation Total Cost for a Severe Infestation
Snap trap$2–$5$15–$24$30–$36$60+
Jaw traps$2–$10$30–$48$60–$72$100+
Glue traps$3–$15$45–$73$90–$108$150+
Bait stations or rat poison$10–$30$80–$120$170–$200$240+
Life capture traps$8–$20$70–$112$140–$168$280
Shock traps$20–$60$80–$120$120–$160$200+

Pros and Cons of DIY and Professional Rat Removal

Each method of rat removal, be it any DIY technique or a professional exterminator, has its own benefits and drawbacks. Here is a look at the major pros and cons of each approach. 

More effective, it can handle small or large infestations
Faster and less labor on the part of the homeowner
Safer as the company is trained in handling live and dead rats
More humane
More expensive upfront cost
Less control over products and methods
More control over products and methods
Cheaper upfront cost
Less effective and can’t handle major infestations
More time-consuming
No guarantee or warranty
Less humane
More dangerous due to handling live or dead rats

So, What’s Our Take on the Cost of a Rat Exterminator?

Rats are one of the nastiest critters that can infest your home. They’re destructive, are a health risk, carry parasites like fleas, and are extremely difficult to remove. In general, it can cost you anywhere from $145 to over $3,000 to eliminate them, depending on the severity of the infestation and removal method. However, by working with a reliable pest control company like Terminix or Orkin, you can free your home of rodents quickly and effectively.  

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FAQs About Rat Exterminator Costs

What is the most common type of rat that infests homes?

The most common species of rats that infest homes are the Norway rat and black rat — also called the house rat or roof rat.

How can I tell if rats are close to my house?

Common signs of rats include:

  • Foul smells
  • Scratching sounds coming from inside walls
  • Dark-colored, foul-smelling streaks next to floorboards
  • Entry holes or gnaw marks in drywall
  • Small, pellet-shaped rat droppings
  • Nesting material, like torn paper, insulation, or torn fabric
  • Chewed holes in food source containers, like cereal boxes or pet food bags
  • Chewed or damaged electrical wiring

What is the cost of rat extermination?

The national cost of rat extermination services is between $125 and $572.

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Sam Wasson

Staff Writer

Sam Wasson graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in Film and Media Arts with an Emphasis in Entertainment Arts and Engineering. Sam brings over four years of content writing and media production experience to the Today’s Homeowner content team. He specializes in the pest control, landscaping, and moving categories. Sam aims to answer homeowners’ difficult questions by providing well-researched, accurate, transparent, and entertaining content to Today’s Homeowner readers.

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Lora Novak

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Lora Novak meticulously proofreads and edits all commercial content for Today’s Homeowner to guarantee that it contains the most up-to-date information. Lora brings over 12 years of writing, editing, and digital marketing expertise. She’s worked on thousands of articles related to heating, air conditioning, ventilation, roofing, plumbing, lawn/garden, pest control, insurance, and other general homeownership topics.

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