A beautiful, welcoming home exterior often results from gorgeous landscaping and enhancements like a paver walkway, stylish retaining wall, eye-catching water feature, or decorative fencing.

These hardscaping additions boost curb appeal while adding functional value to your outdoor space. Hardscaping also increases the value of your property for resale. Here are some of the most popular hardscaping projects for homeowners looking to improve their yards.

1. Walkways

One of my favorite hardscaping ideas is to create a walkway. Nothing says “welcome” like a charming walkway leading up to your front door. Walkways create a clear path for visitors while preventing them from trampling your lawn or garden beds. They also help prevent mud and dirt from being tracked indoors.

The most budget-friendly material for walkways is gravel. However, gravel shifts easily underfoot and requires frequent raking to maintain the path’s integrity. Concrete makes a highly durable surface but lacks aesthetic appeal.

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For a natural look, flagstone and brick are excellent choices. Both come in a range of earthy colors to complement your landscaping. It is also fairly easy to replace bricks and repair flagstone walkways as needed.

Another option is interlocking pavers. These manufactured bricks connect together like a puzzle. You can build your custom path by choosing pavers in multiple sizes, shapes, and colors.

2. Patios

A patio expands your home’s livable space outdoors. Patios make great spaces for outdoor dining, parties, or simply relaxing on a nice day.

For a budget-friendly patio, try crushed gravel or patio pavers set in sand. But these surfaces require more maintenance to keep them looking their best.

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Concrete makes an incredibly durable patio surface. You can stain it or stamp patterns for added visual appeal. However, poured concrete requires forms and a proper slope for drainage.

A simpler option is concrete pavers. Their tongue-and-groove edges connect tightly together. 

This self-draining system means water flows right between the pavers, eliminating puddles.

For a natural yet elegant look, bluestone and fieldstone are gorgeous. However, these tend to be more expensive than manufactured products.

For an even more striking patio, add a pergola or other cover. This not only enhances your patio visually but can protect your furniture from rain and offer shade and shelter on hot summer days. Patio cover kits remove some of the guesswork for homeowners who want to DIY their backyard upgrades.

3. Retaining Walls

On a sloped yard, a retaining wall holds back the earth to create a flat space for a patio, garden, or other addition. Retaining walls along a property line also boosts privacy and security.

Pressure-treated lumber offers an affordable retaining wall option. However, these walls eventually rot and require rebuilding. For longevity, opt for concrete blocks, natural stone, or interlocking blocks.

 Retaining Wall
Image Credit: Canva

Consider terracing your slope with multiple levels of short retaining walls. This transforms challenging terrain into usable space with visual interest. Stairs connecting the levels expand functionality.

Retaining walls can be purely functional or become garden showpieces. Incorporate planter boxes, lighting, water features, and decorative caps for enhanced appeal.

4. Water Features

The pleasant sights and sounds of moving water entice people outdoors and create an oasis. 

If you want to try an easy DIY water feature, small, self-contained fountains require minimal installation. Just place the pump and run the cord to a protected outdoor outlet to operate. Larger fountains may need some buried plumbing and wiring.

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For a pond, you’ll need to dig a hole and line it with a plastic or rubber membrane. Then, fill it with fresh water and aquatic plants. You can opt for a simple wildlife pond or one with flowering water lilies, lighting, bridges, and waterfalls.

Consult your local regulations regarding pond depth and safety measures. Also, research which pond designs are best for deterring mosquitos in your climate.

So, Should You Enhance Your Yard With Hardscaping?

Hardscaping projects require an investment, but the resulting improvements in beauty, enjoyment, and home value are immense. Well-designed hardscaping stands the test of time and provides lasting benefits.

Start small with a gravel garden path or patio. Then take on larger projects as your budget, time, and skill permit. Focus on solutions, both beautiful and practical, to make the most of your outdoor space.

FAQs About Hardscaping

What permits do I need for a hardscaping project?

Permits are not always required for hardscaping. Small projects under a certain square footage threshold, like a paver walkway or patio, usually don’t need approval. Always check your local ordinances to confirm.

How much does a professionally installed hardscape project cost?

Costs vary immensely based on the scope of work, materials, and local labor rates. For example, a professionally installed paver patio often ranges from $7,000 to $15,000. Always get multiple quotes to compare pricing.

What's the best hardscaping choice for a DIY project?

For DIY projects, I think it is best to opt for smaller elements using affordable materials. For example, a crushed stone or paver pathway is a great beginner project. Just prepare the soil and sand or gravel base properly before installing the surface material.

How much value does hardscaping add to my home?

Estimates indicate you can recoup 50-90% of hardscape installation costs when selling your home. Flagstone patios and retaining walls tend to provide the highest value. Curb appeal matters, so professional-looking hardscaping attracts buyers.

How can I incorporate hardscaping into my landscaping?

Use hardscape features like walls, walkways, and patios to complement your plants and yard structures. For example, a patio surrounded by plant beds immerses you in nature. A fence lined with vines becomes part of your garden design.

Editorial Contributors
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Coty Perry

Expert Writer & Reviewer

Coty Perry is a lawn and garden writer for Today’s Homeowner. He focuses on providing homeowners with actionable tips that relate to the “Average Joe” who is looking to achieve a healthier and greener lawn. When he isn’t writing he can almost always be found coaching youth football or on some trail in Pennsylvania in search of the next greatest fishing hole.

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photo of Casey Daniel

Casey Daniel

Casey Daniel is a writer and editor with a passion for empowering readers to improve their homes and their lives. She has written and reviewed content across multiple topics, including home improvement, lawn and garden care, sustainability, and health and wellness. When she’s not reviewing articles, Casey is usually playing board games, repainting her bathroom, or quilting.

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