How Much Does Sunday Lawn Care Cost?

Average Annual Cost
? All cost data throughout this article are collected using the RSMeans construction materials database.
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$250 - $340

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Updated On

October 20, 2023

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Sunday Lawn Care is a unique DIY lawn care subscription provider that will address all of your lawn needs, including weed control, lawn fertilizer, and even pests in the yard. Sunday Lawn Care products are applied by homeowners and not professionals. Continue reading to learn how much Sunday’s DIY lawn care products cost.

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$20 Off Smart Lawn Plan (SUNDAY20TOH)
Lawn Care Services
Residential lawn care plans will typically cost you around $150 per month. Individual services may start at $50.
Hydroseeding Service
Hydroseeding involves applying a water, seed, and mulch slurry to a bare lawn. It costs $0.05–$0.08/sq. ft.
Lawn Aeration
Aeration promotes healthy grass growth & soil drainage. Professional aeration may cost you $150–$250.

What Does Sunday Offer?

Sunday is a DIY lawn care company developed in Boulder, Colorado, that ships products throughout the entire United States. If you have ever felt like you can mow and trim your lawn with no issues, but it won’t stay green, weed free, or without pests, the Sunday service could be an excellent fit for you.

When signing up for Sunday lawn care, they will take a quick look at your property from satellite imagery, give you an idea of what products you may need based on overall size and climate, and then send them to you throughout the year.

The Sunday Lawn Care Smart Lawn Plan is a customized selection of products sent by mail. It includes:

  • Soil test kit
  • Hose end sprayer
  • Lawn nutrient pouches containing organic ingredients instead of chemicals
  • Small lawn tools
  • Information booklets

Sunday takes things a step further by giving customers detailed information on when and how to apply the products that are sent. Depending on your location, the Sunday subscription will be for anywhere from 1 to 4 deliveries each year.

The Sunday Products are typically sent in liquid form, and they are very easy to use. Simply attach the product to the end of your hose and then spray for things like crabgrass, broadleaf weeds, and more. Sunday also sells individual products not part of the Smart Lawn Plan. Products to handle bare spots in the lawn and improve overall grass growth, as well as mosquitos.

Sunday’s Lawn Care Subscription Pricing

The bulk of Sunday Lawn Care’s business is the lawn care subscription. On the Get Sunday website, you can fill out the information about your property and get a personalized quote for the size of your lawn, your climate, and your overall goals for your property. The pricing will differ depending on the size of your property as well as the length of your growing season.

When the quote for the Sunday Smart Care plan is delivered, it will have three different options for you to choose from.

Basic Care

The Basic Care Plan is the most cost-effective of the Sunday products and something that many customers start with for their first year. With the Basic Care Plan, you will get three shipments with 12 nutrient pouches and one soil test. These numbers are based on about a 1/2 acre of property; if you have a smaller lawn, the number of nutrient packages will decrease. The goal of the Basic Care Plan is just the essentials to help support the health of your lawn.

Keep and Protect

The Keep and Protect are slightly higher priced than the Basic, and it includes all of the products in the Basic Care Plan, except it, also treats for weeds. You will be sent weed concentrate with a specific spray to handle the weeds in your turf. Weed killer is an expensive addition, but it is essential for healthy grass. The pricing difference between Basic Care and Keep and Protect is minimal, but it is all based on the weed control products included in Keep and Protect.

Grow and Renew

The third and most comprehensive package from Sunday Lawn Care is the Grow and Renew. The goal of this plan is to have the most excellent house on the block, and everything you need to do so will be included. This package includes everything with the Basic Care and Keep and Protect and includes three shipments of the Lawn Kickstart. This is a very effective extra iron booster and fertilizer to help ensure the long-term health of your yard. The total package pricing for Grow and Renew compared to Basic Care can be about $75 to $100 more.

Sunday’s Individual Product Pricing

One of the great things about Sunday Lawn care is that you won’t need to invest in the package subscription plan if you are not comfortable with it. Although Sunday recommends this process, they will also sell their individual products on various websites, including their own. Sunday Lawn Care’s individual product pricing is fair, and you can also include it as an add-on when purchasing your subscription.

Some of the individual products from Sunday include:

  • Grass Seed ($29-$35): Whether you need a shade grass seed or something like Bermuda, Bluegrass, or Fescue, Sunday has options. Grass seed amounts can be determined easily if you are a subscription customer. Even a healthy lawn will have bare spots at times that need a bit of seed to fill in.
  • Garden Growth ($20-$50): Don’t forget about properly treating your garden if you are also handling your lawn maintenance and lawn treatment. Gardens, depending on what type of plants they are growing, will need to help with fertilization and micronutrients. The Sunday products are easily applied and help overall boost garden growth.
  • Pest Control ($27): The Mosquito Deleto is the most popular pest control product from Sunday; if you are tired of fighting mosquitos in your yard, this is a great product to consider adding to your cart. Pesticides are tough on kids and pets, but the Sunday all-natural solutions can allow you to enjoy your yard while keeping your family safe.
  • Weed Control ($20+): Having a green lawn is one thing. However, if you are left to pull your weeds by hand, the process of maintaining your yard is much more difficult. Sunday has a few products, including Weed Warrior and Dandelion Doom, that will help keep weeds out of your turf. Weed control products can be pre-emergent and post-emergent, but they must consider the type of turf you have. Sunday Lawn Care Plans help ensure that you are spraying the right amount and type of weed control.
  • Pet Patch Repair ($21): The Pet Patch product is a new product release from Sunday. The product will help you clean up small areas in the turf that may no longer be growing because of pets. The Pet Patch Repair is a combination of seed and neutralizers to ensure you have the best lawn on the block, even while you have kids and pets. There are other pet-friendly products like Pet Safe Ice Melt and Pet Resistant Grass Seed.

Factors that Influence Sunday Lawn Care Cost

The size of your property largely impacts Sunday Lawn Care costs. However, there are other factors that will play into the total costs. Here are a few things that will influence the cost of your Sunday Lawn Care subscription and individual products.

Lawn Size

The larger your lawn, the more you will need in your subscription box. Large yards need more product and will be more expensive. Sunday calculates the size of your lawn based on satellite images, and you can adjust the size based on the specific knowledge of your property.

Soil Sample Results

Although Sunday Lawn Care puts together a general guide for pricing and expected costs, you may get more information after your soil sample results are analyzed. At this point, if there are issues impacting your lawn health, Sunday will recommend other products to ensure you are reaching your landscaping goals.

Weed Treatment vs. No Weed Treatment

Weed treatment will increase the costs of your Sunday Lawn Care plans as herbicides, especially with all-natural ingredients, are quite expensive. The weed treatment is something that can make the difference when it comes to the overall look of your turf, and Sunday takes the guesswork out of which products will work and when they should be applied.

Pet and Kids

When signing up for Sunday Lawn Care, there are questions about who will use the turf. Pets and kids can do quite a bit to damage the overall health of your grass, and when you use Sunday Lawn care, you may need some extra products to combat this. Expect pricing to go up just a bit for a lawn that needs to recover from kids and pets.


Some climates make it easier to maintain grass than others. Whether you live in Kentucky, California, or South Florida, the climate will impact things like grass growth rates as well as stress on your turf. Typically speaking, Northern and cooler climates will have to apply fewer products to maintain a healthy lawn.

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Sunday Lawn Care Cost Calculation

In general, a Sunday Lawn Care plan will run you between $120 to $350 for the year. Keep in mind that the plans will vary based on the level of work required to get the healthy grass you want.  

These three tables will help you get an idea of the cost based on various square footage. 

3,000-Square-Foot Yard
PlanInitial CostCost Per Season
Basic Care$94.50$189
Keep & Protect$126.50$221
Grow & Renew$188.50$283
Lawn & Paws$228.50$323
10,000-Square-Foot Yard
PlanInitial CostCost Per Season
Basic Care$139.50$279
Keep & Protect$171.50$311
Grow & Renew$264.50$404
Lawn & Paws$324.50$464
20,000-Square-Foot Yard
PlanInitial CostCost Per Season
Basic Care$179.50$359
Keep & Protect$211.51$391
Grow & Renew$231.50$411
Lawn & Paws$256.50$436

Check out how these costs compare to another big name in the lawn industry and read our Sunday vs Scotts comparison guide.

Is Sunday Lawn Care Worth the Money?

Sunday Lawn Care does a great job of helping homeowners that are not ready for full-service lawn care or want to save some money by taking care of their property themselves. One of the major mistakes that homeowners make is not doing a soil sample on their property before they start applying products. Sunday Lawn Care makes it incredibly easy to send in a soil sample and get the proper plan for your property.

When looking through customer reviews of Sunday Lawn Care, the overall results of the products were impressive. It is important to remember that with Sunday products being more natural, sometimes the results for things like fertilization and weed control take just a bit longer.

Sunday Lawn Care wants to become a partner in your lawn care project, and they have set up an excellent system to allow this to happen. It’s tough to grow a healthy and beautiful lawn without any fertilizer or weed control, even if you are great at cutting and watering. Having Sunday as your lawn care partner can help you save both time and money.

However, If you’re seeking cost-effective methods to control weeds, we recommend reading our article on natural weed control and elimination procedure.

Professional vs. DIY Lawn Care

The DIY lawn care service that Sunday offers is considerably lower in price than a professional Lawn Care plan. However, there are some things to consider when comparing professional vs. DIY Lawn care plans.

Sunday Compared to Other Lawn Care Providers

When comparing Sunday to other lawn care providers, the biggest thing that stands out is the time you will have to invest for mowing, trimming, aeration, overseeding, raking, blowing, and more. As great as it is to have your lawn treated for weeds and pests and have a bright green color, you will still have to put in quite a bit of your time.

Best Professional Lawn Care Service

The best professional lawn care service is TruGreen. Similar to Sunday, TruGreen is a grass powerhouse with locations all over the United States. The TruGreen professionals are experts in turf disease, shrub management, and more. The TruGreen lawn care services have been on the market for more than 15 years, and they will work with almost any budget. When comparing the costs of Sunday and TruGreen, Sunday will be considerably cheaper but require much more of your time. TruGreen does offer some natural solutions for homeowners with pets and kids.

Sunday: Our Top Ranked DIY Lawn Care

If you plan on going the DIY route for lawn care, Sunday Lawn Care is the best option on the market. Sunday makes the process easy for all homeowners regardless of the type of grass you are trying to grow. In addition, Sunday Lawn Care takes a general interest in the overall health of your lawn and gives you access to The Shed, their online solution for anything you need to know about your area and maintaining a healthy lawn.

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$20 Off Smart Lawn Plan (SUNDAY20TOH)

How to Save Money on Sunday Subscriptions

Sunday Lawn Care keeps its pricing similar throughout the entire year. There are times when you may catch a break and be sent an offer for a small percentage off or a free product included, but you can expect pricing to stay relatively the same throughout.

If you are not sure about paying for the Sunday subscription upfront, you can also purchase products separately, but you will spend more money. The subscription is the lowest overall cost; individual products have higher per unit costs as they are shipped separately, and you won’t get the bulk discount that the subscription gives.

Buying Sunday’s Products in Stores

Sunday Lawn Care products are now offered in stores in addition to the subscription. The in store pricing can range from around $18 to more than $40 per product. It’s important to check the back of any packaged product from Sunday to ensure it will treat the property as large as yours. Some products can help treat 2500 sq ft, while others may be closer to 5000 sq ft per package.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you now feel a bit more knowledgeable about the costs of Sunday Lawn Care. Depending on your local ecosystem, climate, and size of your property, Sunday Lawn Care can be an affordable and effective way to take care of your yard and keep your kids and pets safe. If you want to move away from having to maintain or manage your lawn on your own, then TruGreen may be a better solution for you. Overall having some help and advice from professionals will certainly be worth the cost.

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Limited Time:
$20 Off Smart Lawn Plan (SUNDAY20TOH)

FAQs About Sunday Lawn Care Costs

How often do you apply Sunday lawn?

Sunday Lawn Care is sent out three times per year, and customers are instructed to apply the product when the box comes. With Sunday Lawn Care, you should follow all directions that come with the product to ensure the overall health of the turf. Some homes may only need treatment twice per year based on their location.

Does Sunday Lawn Care grow grass?

Sunday Lawn Care now offers various grass seed options for homeowners to choose from. The grass seed can be for Bermuda Grass or Fescue, and the product offerings from Sunday continue to increase.

When should I apply Sunday fertilizer?

The best time to apply Sunday fertilizer is according to the lawn care plan that Sunday sets up for customers. Sunday will give you a time frame and then ship the fertilizer when you should apply it. There are also instructions regarding rain and temperature when fertilizing, which should be closely followed.

What does Sunday lawn care cost?

Expect Sunday lawn care to cost anywhere from around $225 per year to $375 per year. The pricing will vary depending on your location and the specifics of what you are looking for in your total package from Sunday.

What are the benefits of Sunday lawn care?

The benefits of Sunday lawn care include fair pricing, involvement in your landscaping and property management, and solutions that are safe for pets and children. Sunday lawn care allows you to get started today, but they offer tremendous guidance as to when it is best to start applying products to your property.

Today's Homeowner’s Rating Methodology

At Today's Homeowner, transparency and trust are our most important values for the reader. That’s why we took the time to create an objective rating system and score each lawn company/service according to our methodology.

Our research team dug deep into the fine print of contracts, combed through more than one hundred customer reviews, and thoroughly investigated all of each lawn care service’s services, costs, and products. We’ve done the homework for you by researching nearly all of the lawn care companies on the market so you can have the information you need to make the best choice for your home.

We developed a formula to objectively determine the best lawn care companies and give each a score out of 100 based on the following criteria:

  • Plan Options (30): Do they provide a variety of plan options? We looked at the number of plans each company offered and the flexibility of adjusting the plan.
  • Services offered (20): How many services are offered in each plan? We looked at the number of lawn care coverages, including weed control, seeding, irrigation, aeration, dethatching, and more.
  • Trust (10): What do customers say after their lawn has been serviced? Does this company offer a guarantee? We considered how satisfied customers are post-service if the company does what it says it will, BBB accreditation, and service guarantees.
  • Prices (10): How reasonable are the costs of the plan or service in comparison to the industry average? We compared the costs of each company to competitors that offer the same lawn services.
  • Unique perks (10): Does the company offer discounts or special services such as organic treatments, pest control, or a mobile app? We looked for perks each company offers that set them apart from the competition.
  • Customer Service (10): How is the customer experience when contacting the company? We considered the speed of response, weekend/holiday availability, and ease of communication through phone calls, email, and online chat functions.
  • Nationwide availability (10): How many states does the company offer its services? Companies that operate nationally and in all zip codes are favored over those with limited availability.

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Britt Olizarowicz

Britt Olizarowicz is a former real estate agent and landscaping business owner. She has a wide range of experience across several industries and was also a professional golfer. With her experience in investing, renovating, and improving properties Britt loves to share in all of the latest and greatest technologies, systems, and strategies to keep your home and garden looking great.

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Lora Novak

Senior Editor

Lora Novak meticulously proofreads and edits all commercial content for Today’s Homeowner to guarantee that it contains the most up-to-date information. Lora brings over 12 years of writing, editing, and digital marketing expertise. She’s worked on thousands of articles related to heating, air conditioning, ventilation, roofing, plumbing, lawn/garden, pest control, insurance, and other general homeownership topics.

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