Have you noticed that rainwater builds up around the outside of your home? Or are you experiencing mold and dampness in your home, but you can’t figure out the root cause?

In many cases, mold, rot, and other issues with flooding may be due to excessive rainwater run off from your gutter system. This could be due to a clogged drainage system or gutters that are routed poorly, causing water to be directed towards, rather than away, from your home.

Our team at Today’s Homeowner knows that protecting your home and saving your yard from excessive moisture is important. I’ve compiled the best tips for gutter drainage to help you get started and solve your runoff problem no matter what your budget. Read on to discover my 13 solutions for better gutter drainage.

*Costs in this article sourced from averages of products available at Home Depot and Lowe’s and contractor estimates used by Fixr and Angi.

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13 Solutions for Better Gutter Drainage

There are a variety of strategies you can use to improve your gutter drainage, from opting to install additional components to your gutters or performing basic maintenance on your yard’s landscape to direct water away from your home. I recommend using one or a combination of the below tips for best results, especially if you live in an area with higher rainfall.

1. Regular Maintenance and Gutter Cleaning

The first and most crucial step to preventing rainwater from damaging your home is regular gutter maintenance. You should regularly remove stones, leaves, and other debris from your gutter drainage system to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Removing twigs and leaves also prevents pests and animals from forming a nest, which could block your drainage system. Tightening your gutter fixtures helps prevent leaks and reduces noise from gutters and downspouts.

Use a small scoop with smooth edges to collect anything accumulated in your gutters. Follow up with a garden hose to clean the area and flush out any stuck-on residue.

While gutter maintenance and cleaning is essential, it is time-consuming. If you opt for a professional to complete this job, you can expect to pay an average of $275 per service, although exact pricing will vary depending on the time spent and the length of your gutter system. There are various upgrades you can purchase for your gutter system, including gutter downspouts to reduce the amount of time that you spend cleaning and maintaining them.

2. Install Gutter Guards

Gutter guards prevent debris from entering and blocking your gutters. They can also help prevent gutter freezing. I recommend installing larger guards, like 7-inch gutter guards, tend to be better for gutters that take on large amounts of rain.

3. Install Downspout Extensions

A downspout extension helps to redirect water to a specific location by controlling water flow. It can also help prevent splashbacks, and therefore dampness and mold growth.

You can aim downspouts away from your home to prevent any water damage to your house’s exterior or foundation.

4. Use Splash Blocks at the End of Downspouts

Splash blocks (also called gutter splash guards) help to protect your lawn from damage as water flows out of the gutter drainage system. They connect to the bottom of your gutters and collect water that would otherwise pool at your home’s foundation. This gutter system upgrade can be particularly helpful for preventing mold and fungus growth.

I recommend purchasing splash blocks if you live in an area that often experiences heavy downpours.

5. Install Buried Corrugated Drainage Pipes

This type of drainage pipe has small holes that allow water to enter and exit at a slow rate. This prevents excessive amounts of water from flooding your lawn or your home’s foundation.

I recommend purchasing these drainage pipes if you are looking to upgrade your gutters but do not want the system to be visible.

6. Consider Installing French Drains

A French drain keeps water from traveling toward your home and therefore prevents water damage to your home by collecting rainwater before it reaches the foundation. French drains are also effective at diverting large amounts of water away from your house.

7. Direct Runoff Toward Storm Drain/Dry Well

You can install a dry well under your lawn to channel water to the lowest point in your garden. The well will dissipate the moisture into the soil, preventing copious amounts of water from building up around your home or on the lawn’s surface.

8. Install Roll-Out Drain Sleeves

These DIY drainage filters attach to the base of your gutter and prevent clogged pipes, allowing stormwater to flow through and disperse.

These sleeves automatically roll out when it is raining to allow the rainwater to drain away from your home’s foundation. The drain sleeves can then be folded up and easily stored during drier seasons, saving spaces in your garden.

9. Purchase Rain Barrels or Cisterns

One of the quickest and easiest ways to divert water away from your home is to install a rain barrel underneath your drainage system. You can pour this water out into a storm drain or also save it for use in your garden, making this option a great one for eco-conscious consumers.

In addition to purchasing extensions to your gutter system, you can also make modifications to your yard’s landscaping to effectively divert water away from your home. You can expect to pay an average $150 for a 50 gallon rain barrel, although pricing will vary depending on capacity and the exact style.

10. Improve Yard Grading and Slope

Yard grading helps to prevent rainwater from building up. Renovating your garden with a slope away from your house (with the help of a landscaping expert) allows water to drain away from your home’s foundation.

I recommend grading your lawn at a slope of one inch for every foot your yard extends away from your home. Depending on the current angle and state of your yard, you may need to contact a professional. Hiring a landscaper to regrade your yard costs an average of $1,500, but will vary depending on the extent of the job.

11. Fill in Any Low Spots

Uneven surfaces can help large puddles form in your yard or near home. While it might be a significant commitment for some homeowners, leveling out your front yard is an effective way to improve water drainage and also prevent your plants from drowning.

If you have more than a few problem spots and need your entire yard to be releveled, I recommend contacting a professional to regrade and resurface any low spots.

12. Build a Rain Garden

Rain gardens are shallow areas in your yard explicitly designed to collect rainwater. You can create a rain garden by surrounding this area by plants which require a lot of moisture. This is a great way to make the most of your landscaping and is a good option for home owners who want to take advantage of their home’s terrain to build a natural landscape.

13. Invest in a Rain Chain

Rain chains are one of the more common gutter alternatives that can be used in addition to your gutter systems. They are also a good option if the drainage system upgrades listed above do not match the look of your home, and can be a great aesthetic addition to your house’s exterior. They are available in a variety of styles and materials, with the average price being $50, and can be a good addition to your house’s drainage system and overall look.

Tips for Draining Gutter Runoff

The first step to maintaining your gutters is regular maintenance. This is especially important if there are twigs, leaves, or other debris in your system. You can also use any of the above tips to improve the flow of water and encourage the rainwater to divert away from your home.

Different Types of Gutter Drains

Gutter drains are available in a host of materials, including zinc, copper, stainless steel, cast iron, and a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe option.

Consider stainless steel for its rust resistance and minimal maintenance and cleaning. It might be heavier than many of the other materials, but it’s exceptionally durable.

The Best Drain for Gutters

Based on our years of experience, our team recommends aluminum downspout extensions to direct rainwater away from your home. Roll-out drain sleeves are also inexpensive and easy to attach to your current gutters, and can be purchased for an average of $15 per sleeve. Yard grading is another effective gutter drainage solution to protect your home from water damage.

How Far Should Your Gutters Drain From the House?

Aim to position your gutters around four to six feet from your house, and make sure the gutter system is securely attached to the house. This will prevent any issues with overflow, which could affect your home’s foundation.

Where Should Gutters Drain to?

In all cases, you want stormwater to drain away from your home, which can be accomplished with a good gutter system and a well-designed yard. You can use any of the above gutter systems to direct rainwater to the depths of your lawn, which can be particularly beneficial if you practice organic lawn care. Any additional water can be directed towards storm drains, which can prevent any potential flooding.

Who Should Upgrade Their Gutter System?

I recommend that any homeowner use one or a combination of the above tricks to upgrade their gutter system. This allows you to stop any problems with moisture or potential flooding before they start.

Read also: Basics of Organic Gardening

Final Thoughts

These gutter drainage ideas will prevent water from forming around your home’s foundation, which wreaks havoc on the structure, warmth, and safety of your home.

Investing in high-quality gutters with an adequate drainage system reduces the chances of excessive moisture or flooding. This can prevent associated issues like structural damage.

In addition to the above tips, choosing the right materials to landscape your yard, including mulch, can help prevent issues with excessive water. If you are seeking replacements for conventional mulch, I recommend this article, which outlines other equally beneficial options.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I divert rainwater from my house?

You can improve the grade of your yard to direct water away, fill in any low spots surrounding your home, and consider downspout drainage extensions. All of these solutions reroute water in a direction farther away from your home.

Should downspouts go into the ground?

No. If they touch the ground, you risk rainwater gathering back into the gutter. Aim for it to land 12 inches from the ground. Any higher and you risk large splashes of water during a heavy rain pour.

Are French drains better than gutters?

French drains are ideal for helping with heavy runoff. However, gutters are much easier to install. For the best of both worlds, consider implementing both.

What is the best way to prevent mold and mildew in my gutters?

Add gutter guards and remove any buildup of debris and dirt in the gutters. Mold and mildew typically form with poor maintenance and clogging, so remove anything that could stop water flow.

What can I use for underground gutter drainage?

Use an underground downspout drain or French drains.

How do you disperse water from gutters?

Clean out any foreign objects in the gutters and wipe away any mold or mildew.

What should you do when installing gutters?

For the best and safest result, hire a professional. You don’t want to risk any falls while you install them, and you want to make sure that they’re securely attached.

What is a typical gutter system?

Typical gutters measure four to six inches wide, though larger houses surrounded by trees might need a wider size. Also, a thicker material (around 0.32 inches) lasts longer and is less likely to sag.

What are the benefits of gutters?

Gutters catch and disperse rainwater rather than it bouncing off roofs. Most importantly, they protect your house from water damage by directing water away from your house’s exterior.

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Reviewed for accuracy, cost data, industry best practices, and expert advice by Nikki Stavile
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Sam Wasson

Staff Writer

Sam Wasson graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in Film and Media Arts with an Emphasis in Entertainment Arts and Engineering. Sam brings over four years of content writing and media production experience to the Today’s Homeowner content team. He specializes in the pest control, landscaping, and moving categories. Sam aims to answer homeowners’ difficult questions by providing well-researched, accurate, transparent, and entertaining content to Today’s Homeowner readers.

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Nikki Stavile

Nikki Stavile is a writer based in Tucson, Arizona. As an avid backpacker and passionate environmentalist, her work often focuses on sustainable movements at the personal and societal level.

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