A good gutter system is essential for keeping unwanted moisture away from your home and preventing flooding. However, they are also an often noticeable part of your home’s exterior. If you are looking to install gutters for the first time or upgrade your existing drainage system, you may be wondering what type of color to pick.

The expert team at Today’s Homeowner knows that you don’t want your gutters to turn into an eyesore. That’s why I’ve done the research for you, so you can choose the right color palette and material for your home’s drainage system that matches with your exterior design vision and your budget. Keep reading to find out how to choose the right color for your house’s gutters.

*Costs in this article sourced from estimates used by Angi

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How to Choose Gutter Colors for Your Home

There are many different things to think about when choosing colors for your gutter. First, it is important to know whether your city, county, or homeowner’s association requires any specific gutter colors or gutter types. I recommend checking any guidelines well beforehand so you can make an informed decision before upgrading your gutters.

However, if you have the freedom to choose for yourself, here are a considerations to help you pick your ideal gutter color.

Match Your Siding or Exterior Paint Color

One of the most popular ways of choosing colors for your gutter is to use a color that matches your house’s siding. Matching gutters with the siding or exterior of your house will help you create a seamless look that doesn’t interfere with the overall visual aesthetic of your home. By matching, your gutters will simply serve their functional purpose, and you may not even be able to tell they are there. This option is ideal for homeowners who don’t want to call attention to their drainage system.

Match Your Roof Style

You can also consider matching your gutters to the color of your roof so that your gutters look like a natural part of the roofline instead of a border around your house. While this may be a viable option, this isn’t always recommended because roof colors often stand in stark contrast to the siding of the house.

Match Your Trim Color

If you aren’t interested in matching your gutters with your siding or roof, you can match your gutters with your house’s trim instead. Because your gutters run against the trim of your house, choosing this option will minimize how much your gutters stand out. Keep in mind, however, that while your gutters may be less obvious in the front of your house if you go with this color scheme, they will stand out where there is less or no trim.

Contrast Your Home’s Exterior Color

Contrasting your gutter color with your home’s exterior is a good option if you are looking to make a statement and add to your home’s curb appeal. This is a great option if you want your gutters to stand out without compromising the visual aesthetic of your home. This could also be a good idea if your house is a neutral color and you are looking to add color to your home. Just be sure to follow all municipal and homeowner’s association guidelines when going with this option.

Depending on the color scheme of your house, there are certainly some gutter colors that work better than others. In fact, choosing the right color combination for your house can often make your house look brand new. Here are some examples of great color combinations for your house’s exterior and corresponding gutter colors that fit these combinations.

Gray and Blue

A gray and blue color combination is a popular blend for modern homes. The lighter color — either light blue or light gray — can match your home’s siding, while the darker color can match with the roof. Blue is also a great coastal color that can bring a sense of tranquility to the exterior of a home.

White and Dark Neutral Colors

Houses with white and dark neutral color schemes can also benefit from white gutters, especially if the house has white trim. No matter what, your goal should be to choose a color that perfectly divides the roof and lower levels with a clean line. You may also want to choose black or dark gutters if you have a lighter roof and a darker exterior. This color option can also be used if you are looking to add a bold color contrast to your home.

Dark Blue and White

Homes with dark blue siding and white or light-colored trim benefit from a contrast that juxtaposes with this color pallet. White gutters will almost always be your best option for this color scheme, because this shade will blend in with the overall trim of the house. This is a good option if you are looking to camouflage your gutters.

Shades of Green

Choosing a shade of green for gutters can be a good option for adding an earthy tone while enhancing contrast. Greens are a good option for adding dimension to a home’s exterior. You can pick from a variety of shades, including sage, forest green, or olive, depending on which would look best with the neutral siding color of your home.

Brick and Browns or Blacks

A red brick exterior is a classic look, but it can be hard to decorate. This is because the variety of different roof colors and materials can make it difficult to find the right color for your gutters. Because brick tones are often a mixture of reds, browns, greens, and other colors, I recommend using blacks or browns for your gutter color for a sharp but streamlined contrast.

Gutter Colors Chart

I recommend starting the search for your ideal gutter color using the below shades. Keep in mind that you will need to consider the color of your roof, trim, and any other exterior design elements of your home when choosing your ideal gutter color.

White AlmondCreamAntique IvoryWicker
Pearly GreyGreyGrey ClayTerratoneTuxedo Grey
Royal BrownMusket BrownScotch RedForest GreenBlack

Other Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Gutter Color

In addition to taking exterior design into account, you also need to consider how well the material and color of your gutters will hold up to your local weather and climate. You will also need to abide by any guidelines set by your homeowner’s association (HOA). Below are some of the factors that I recommend researching before upgrading your gutter color.

What’s the Effect You’re Going For

This is an important question for homeowners to consider before not only choosing their gutter color but the entire color scheme of their house as well. Do you want a house that blends in with the rest of your neighborhood? Or maybe you want a bolder look that will boost your home’s curb appeal?

If you want a simple color that will blend in with the rest of your house, I recommend choosing a white or gray that blends in easily with your home’s exteriors. This is also a good way to disguise the look of your gutter system. If you want to stand out, be sure to choose a color like red, blue, or black that will contrast well with both your home’s exterior and your roof.

Consider Your Exterior Design Style

The colors and materials of your gutters can greatly impact the overall exterior style of your home. If you have a historic home or a more modern look, opting for visible metal gutters can be a great way to enhance this look. However, if you are finding that many of the gutter options that are suitable for your climate and budget don’t match well with your home’s overall style, you may want to choose gutters that have a minimal impact on the exterior look of your home. Do this by opting for colors or materials that blend in well.

Check with your HOA

As previously mentioned, you should look into local rules and guidelines about gutter and home exterior colors. It is very common for HOAs to implement these regulations, and the last thing you want to do is to have to reinstall your gutters after finding out that they are in violation of your HOA’s rules. Some HOAs may offer a limited number of gutter shades to choose from, so your exterior design choices may be limited to these options.

Material Match

Although this article is about gutter color, the material of your gutters cannot be ignored when choosing their color. This is because material choice helps preserve the original look of your gutters.

Vinyl gutters come in a variety of colors, so you don’t have to paint them. If you do opt to paint this type of gutter, I recommend opting for acrylic latex paint. Vinyl gutters are a cheaper option, currently retailing for $2 to $4 per linear foot, but because of their material type, their color can fade easily over time. Unlike the other options listed below, vinyl gutters can be installed yourself, although I would recommend hiring a professional for the installation process.

Aluminum and zinc gutters are difficult to paint and come in a limited variety of colors, but they do offer benefits when it comes to durability, often lasting 25 years or more. Aluminum gutters cost an average of $7.50 per linear foot, while zinc is much more expensive, averaging $27.50 a linear foot. Because of their price point and the distinct look, zinc gutters are usually seen on historic homes.

Copper gutters, priced at an average of $20 a linear foot, are a good option for a bold and metallic look, but they are extremely difficult to paint. I would recommend only choosing this option if you are happy with the natural copper color.

Weather and Climate

The weather and climate are important factors to consider when picking your gutter color. If your region has more sun, that means your gutters will receive more UV exposure. Some colors, especially darker ones, respond well to UV exposure because a slight tint to their original tone can go unnoticed. Lighter colors, on the other hand, do not respond well and show visible signs of exposure to the sun.

The different material types listed above also perform well in different climates. Aluminum is a great budget option and also offers a great amount of weather and rust resistance. Copper and zinc are highly recommended because of their heat resistance in addition to the above properties. In general, I would only recommend using vinyl gutters in mild climates because they do not perform well over time in the heat.

Set a Budget

Unfortunately, not all colors are the same price. White and off-white — the basic factory finishes — are generally the cheaper options if you are painting your gutters on a budget. More colorful paint, especially unique shades and tones, will cost more. But if you are hesitating between cheaper and more expensive colors, remember that opting for the best color match with the rest of your house to increase its curb appeal often pays off in the long run. Also, consider what the cost of replacing or repairing sections of gutters may be.

Keep in mind that if you do not want to paint your colors and want the natural shade offered by zinc or copper colors, for instance, you will have to pay for these gutters to be professionally installed. This is because these materials must be welded together. The current average price for a gutter install is $1,163, but this could vary depending on how many linear feet you need to have installed as well as the material itself. More expensive materials may be more expensive to install.

Will Your Downspout Stick Out?

A final consideration to take into account with your gutter color choice is the downspout itself. Downspouts are pipes that aid in gutter drainage, running vertically down your home, and carrying rainwater from your gutters toward the ground. The bottoms of downspouts bend away from the house and usually extend 4 to 6 feet. You can opt to bury your downspouts if you are worried about your downspout sticking out and ruining the curb appeal of your home. This is especially important if your color choice is designed to hide your gutters’ appearance. Burying your downspouts is not a difficult process, and it is a good way of guaranteeing proper water drainage in your yard.

Gutter Color Options by Material and Cost

The following chart includes the most current pricing for gutter materials.

MaterialColor OptionsCost
AluminumVariety of Colors$5-$10 per linear foot
CopperCopper/Brown$15-$25 per linear foot
Seamless AluminumVariety of Colors$9 – $13 per linear foot
SteelVariety of Colors$8 – $13 per linear foot (galvanized)
$9 – $20 (stainless)
VinylVariety of Colors$2-$4 per linear foot
ZincWhite, Grey, Black$15-$40 per linear foot
Keep in mind that the above prices are averages, and the cost of install and the exact gutter style will change depending on your area and your final choices. I recommend getting quotes from several professionals as you are looking to make your final decision.

Final Thoughts

Choosing a color for your gutters is never an easy task. While gutters offer the chance to make a statement with their color, you run the risk of ruining the curb appeal of your home. Make sure to take some time to think about what you want your house to look like and to check that you are abiding by all your HOA’s regulations. You should also consider how well your particular new gutter choice will hold up in your home’s climate, to avoid having to repaint or reinstall your gutters to preserve their original look.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should gutters match the roof of your house?

It depends on what you want your gutter color to accomplish. If you want your gutters to blend into the color scheme of your home’s exterior, you may want to match your gutters to your home’s siding instead of its roof. On the other hand, if you want your gutters to stand out, consider matching them to your roof for a beautiful contrast with the exterior of your home.

Are colored gutters more expensive than white?

Yes, in general, colored or painted gutters will be more expensive than the white or off-white factory coat that comes on most gutters.

If you are looking for a specific natural color, you may want to choose a material that does not require painting, such as copper gutters for a bold and brassy look.

Should my gutters be darker than my roof color?Should my gutters be darker than my roof color?

Your choice of color for your home’s gutters depends on whether or not you want the gutters to blend in with the rest of your home’s exterior. If your gutters are darker than your roof, there is a good chance that they will create a contrast with your house’s exterior.

Should my gutters be the same color as my house?

By keeping your gutters the same color as your house’s exterior, your gutters will blend in and be mostly unnoticeable. If this is your intended style, then you should match your gutters to your house.

Is black or white better for gutters?

In general, white gutters fit with more color schemes than black gutters. White gutters are also more of a classic look that can highlight and subtly contrast other colors without completely catching the eye of people walking by. Black gutters, however, are more likely to stand out unless the rest of your home is already a very dark color.

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Reviewed for accuracy, cost data, industry best practices, and expert advice by Nikki Stavile
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Sam Wasson

Staff Writer

Sam Wasson graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in Film and Media Arts with an Emphasis in Entertainment Arts and Engineering. Sam brings over four years of content writing and media production experience to the Today’s Homeowner content team. He specializes in the pest control, landscaping, and moving categories. Sam aims to answer homeowners’ difficult questions by providing well-researched, accurate, transparent, and entertaining content to Today’s Homeowner readers.

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Nikki Stavile

Nikki Stavile is a writer based in Tucson, Arizona. As an avid backpacker and passionate environmentalist, her work often focuses on sustainable movements at the personal and societal level.

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