How Much Does Concrete Driveway Repair Cost?

Average National Cost
? All cost data throughout this article are collected using the RS Means construction materials database.
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$175 - $3,600

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Updated On

February 16, 2024

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With regular usage, it’s common for concrete driveways to develop cracks, crumbling edges, or even sunken areas. If you already have the money tucked away for concrete driveway repair costs when that happens, you’ll be well ahead of the game. 

Driveway repairs range from filling small cracks and holes to foam jacking a sunken slab until it’s level again. You can’t tell what type of repairs your driveway will need over the years, so ideally, you’ll want to prepare for the worst and hope for the best — and be ready to fix minor problems as they arise to avoid costly issues down the road. 

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  • Having your concrete driveway professionally repaired costs $1,890 on average.
  • The price can exceed $9,000 depending on the amount of damage and other factors.
  • You can save money on repairs by fixing minor damage as soon as it appears. 

What Is the Cost of Concrete Driveway Repairs?

Professional concrete driveway repairs typically cost between $175 and $3,600, or $1,890 on average. Your exact costs depend on many factors, like the type of repair needed, the extent of the damage, and the surface finish. 

$175$1,890 $3,600

What Factors Affect the Cost of Concrete Driveway Repairs?

Driveways come in all shapes and sizes, and the types of damage they can experience vary just as much. That’s why it’s impossible to pinpoint an exact cost figure for concrete driveway repairs. You can get a good idea about what to expect by exploring how all the different factors impact the total price. 

The factors that affect concrete driveway repair costs the most are the: 

  • Type of repair 
  • Extent of damage 
  • Concrete finish

Cost of Concrete Driveway Repairs by Type of Repair 

Driveway repair prices greatly depend on the type of damage you need to fix. At $1 to $3 per linear foot, or $175 on average, minor cracks don’t cost much to fill, especially when caught early. But if the surface has major damage, your only choice may be to replace your driveway for around $6,900. 

Type of RepairAverage Price Range Average Total Cost 
Crack repair $1 – $3 per linear foot $175
Fill expansion joints $2 – $5 per linear foot $475
Patch crumbling edges $3 – $10 per square foot $650
Resurface the top layer$3 – $5 per square foot $2,400 
Raise or level $3 – $25 per square foot$4,200 
Replace driveway $8 – $15 per square foot $6,900 
  • Crack repair: Every 10 linear feet of minor cracks cost about $175 to fix. The typical price is $1 to $3 per linear foot, but concrete companies may add a $75 to $125 service fee to the total. 
  • Fill expansion joints: Filling expansion joints is about $2 to $5 per linear foot, costing $475 for an average 600-square-foot driveway. Having to remove the existing sealant from the joints first can increase the price by more than double. 
  • Patch crumbling edges: Expect to pay $3 to $10 per square foot to have crumbling driveway edges patched. On the typical driveway, the total price may be about $650 if two or more sides have damage. 
  • Resurface the top layer: At $3 to $5 per square foot, you’ll spend about $2,400 for driveway resurfacing (also known as a concrete overlay). This average price applies to a plain finish. High-end finishes will cost more. 
  • Raise or level: The national average cost of lifting a sunken driveway with mud jacking or foam jacking is around $14 per square foot. The price could exceed $4,200 if more than half of your driveway needs leveling. 
  • Replace driveway: Replacing your driveway is often the easiest choice when there’s extensive damage. This home improvement project typically costs around $8 to $15 per square foot, or $6,900 on average, but the price could rise significantly if you want an engraved finish. 
Today’s Homeowner Tips

Sometimes, concrete damage happens due to underlying issues like large tree roots growing beneath the slab. It does no good to repair the surface damage if the problem continues brewing underneath. So, aim to address the underlying issues first and then focus on restoring your driveway surface to avoid wasting money on repairs. 

Cost of Concrete Driveway Repairs by the Extent of Damage 

The extent of damage to your concrete driveway influences what you’ll need to pay for repairs. Repairing minor damage affecting up to 150 square feet of concrete may run around $900. However, severe issues that require you to pay for mud jacking or install a new driveway could exceed $5,400

Amount of Damage Average Price Range Average Total Cost 
Minor (150 square feet) $450 – $1,350$900
Moderate (300 square feet) $900 – $4,500$2,700
Severe (600 square feet)$1,800 – $6,900$5,400 
  • Minor: Simple repairs on a small area of your driveway rarely exceeds $1,350. If you only have a few cracks to repair, you could pay as little as $175
  • Moderate: Moderate damage affecting more than half of your driveway costs between $900 and $4,500 to fully resolve. Most homeowners pay around $2,700 to eliminate potholes, repair crumbling edges, and seal up unsightly cracks across 300 square feet of concrete. 
  • Severe: Repairing severe damage affecting your entire driveway could cost about $5,400. Surface-level damage may only need resealing at around $2,400. If you need to replace the entire structure, the price could reach $6,900 for a plain concrete driveway.

Cost of Concrete Driveway Repairs by the Concrete Finish 

Your concrete driveway’s finish can affect the price significantly. On a driveway repair of $1,890, having to restore the finish might raise the price to $8,790. On the other hand, if you’re only repairing a small area to match the rest, it may only add a few hundred dollars to the total. 

Concrete Finish TypeAverage Price Range Average Total Cost 
PlainNo extra charge $1,890
Brushed$1 – $3 per square foot$2,490
Stenciled$2 – $7 per square foot $3,240
Stained$4 – $10 per square foot $3,990
Stamped$6 – $15 per square foot $5,040
Engraved $16 – $30+ per square foot $8,790
  • Plain: A plain concrete finish doesn’t add anything to the price because it requires no extra work. The color and texture of the surface may not perfectly match the rest of the driveway, however. 
  • Brushed: A brushed concrete finish costs $1 to $3 more per square foot or $600 on average for 300 square feet. Matching the finish to the existing texture can help the repaired area blend in better. 
  • Stenciled: Recreating the stenciled pattern on your repaired concrete driveway could add $2 to $7 per square foot, or $1,350 on average, to your repair costs. Existing weathering of the surface could make the newly stenciled areas stand out initially, but it should blend in soon enough. 
  • Stained: Staining the repaired areas costs around $4 to $10 per square foot, or $2,100 on average. Matching the colors and design is a complex process that could add quite a bit of time to the project. 
  • Stamped: Stamping the concrete surface costs $6 to $15 per square foot, increasing repair costs by $3,150 on average. Depending on the shape and size of the driveway, it might not be possible to seamlessly align with the pattern. 
  • Engraved: Engraving the surface design into the repaired concrete is about $16 to over $30 per square foot. On average, this increases 300 square feet of driveway repairs by around $6,900. Although it’s time-intensive, skilled concrete contractors can usually achieve a precise match. 
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Additional Costs of Concrete Driveway Repairs

In addition to the repair type, extent of damage, and concrete finish, there are other potential expense factors to consider. Each can increase what you pay to have your driveway repaired, but it all comes down to where you live and what work you need done. 

  • Labor rate: Concrete contractors usually charge around $50 to $100 per hour for labor, although they may list it as a flat rate in their cost estimates. They may also apply a service fee of $75 to $125 for small jobs, like hairline crack repairs. Labor costs can vary from area to area and sometimes vary by the time of year. 
  • Permits: Plan on spending upwards of $250 to $400 on permits if you’re doing extensive repairs or rebuilding the entire driveway. Any inspections needed are another $100 or more each. Your local jurisdiction’s planning department can help you figure out if you need permits and inspections for your project. 
  • Demo work: You’ll pay an additional $2 to $6 per square foot if the project requires any demo work. This price includes the removal of the existing concrete and disposal at the proper location in your area. 
  • Regrading: Standing water around your driveway will result in even more damage unless you invest in regrading for around $3,000. This process changes the slope of your landscape to direct water away from the concrete and protect it from further damage. 
  • Reinforcements: Rebar and wire mesh can reinforce concrete driveway installations in areas prone to shifting or sinking. The extra support doesn’t cost a lot either. Rebar is only $1 per foot, while wire mesh costs $0.50 per square foot. 
  • Maintenance: Paying a professional to reseal your driveway costs up to $5 per square foot. If you’re DIY savvy, you can complete the job for a fraction of that. All you have to do is spray or roll the sealer onto the surface to create a protective layer.  
Today’s Homeowner Tips

Prolonged exposure to water leads to cracking, spalling, and surface degradation, making it one of concrete’s worst enemies. Sealer is your driveway’s ultimate defender against water’s destructive forces, but it has to be applied regularly. Make it your mission to reapply the sealer every few years to prevent damage and save money on repairs. 

How Does the Cost of Concrete Driveway Repairs Compare To Other Projects?

Working with concrete can be expensive due to the cost of materials, the need for professional expertise, and long curing times. So, it’s often better to maintain and repair what you have rather than tear it down and rebuild using concrete. 

Concrete ProjectPrice Range Average Cost
Concrete driveway repairs$175 – $3,600$1,890
Pour a concrete patio $1,920 – $6,000$3,960 
Foundation repair $2,000 – $8,000$4,500 
Concrete slab installation $3,000 – $10,000$5,500
Concrete driveway $4,800 – $9,000$6,900
Concrete roof $20,400 – $31,450$25,925

How Can You Save Money on Concrete Driveway Repair?

Concrete project costs can add up fast, but there are ways to make many jobs much more budget friendly. Here, and as we’ll discuss further below, are some things you can try as you figure out how to best handle your driveway repairs:

  • Immediately repair minor damage
  • Do simple repairs yourself
  • Schedule repairs during the off-season
  • Look into warranty coverage
  • Consider a different material 

Immediately Repair Minor Damage 

Prompt repairs can spell the difference between spending a few hundred dollars fixing your driveway and forking out thousands for a replacement. Throughout its 50-year lifespan, your highly durable concrete driveway may develop a few cracks or an entire section could sink and crack apart. Major damage rarely happens overnight, though. 

To catch minor issues as they develop, inspect your driveway surface monthly for any crumbling edges, cracks, or other signs of damage. Check more often after heavy rains, deep freezes, and other harsh weather events. If you notice any faults, fix them right then and there to minimize what you spend on repairing your driveway through the years. 

Do Simple Repairs Yourself 

In the video below, you can see that sealing driveway cracks and fixing other minor defects in concrete is an approachable DIY project that’ll save you a little bit of money. Self-leveling crack filler is only $10 per tube at the hardware store. And you can get a pothole patch kit for around $100

The most important thing is to take your time cleaning and preparing the surface before starting on the repairs. You’ll need a high-powered 3,000 PSI pressure washer to do that effectively. If you don’t have one, ask a neighbor or see if you have a tool-lending library in town. Otherwise, the cost of buying or renting one may offset your savings. 

Schedule Repairs During the Off-Season 

Concrete contractors often offer discounts and other deals during the off-season when work slows down. Typically, this is during the late fall and winter when rain and lower temperatures interfere with the concrete pouring, setting, and curing process. 

With that in mind, this money-saving approach is only viable for smaller repairs, like patching crumbling edges. But it’s a smart, budget-friendly way to resolve minor damage before it turns into a big problem. 

Look into Warranty Coverage 

If your concrete driveway is relatively new and experiences unexpected issues, check if your driveway contractor offers any warranty coverage. Some contractors guarantee their driveway materials and the quality of their work, and if the damage falls under the terms, you might be able to get the repairs done for free or at a discount. 

Consider a Different Material 

When you can’t avoid a new concrete driveway replacement, you can save money by switching to a more budget-friendly material. For example, installing an asphalt driveway costs $6 to $9 per square foot — nearly half as much as a new concrete surface. At that rate, you can build a 600-square-foot driveway for $4,500 on average. Asphalt driveway repair and repaving is also cheaper than caring for concrete. 

For even more savings, think about installing a gravel driveway instead. Homeowners can spend as little as $300 on that simple surface material, and it’ll last for decades with minimal upkeep.

Cost is not the only thing that matters. There are pros and cons to consider about each one, of course. But it’s worth weighing your options in case something a little cheaper might work well for your home. 

Is DIY Worth the Cost Savings of Repairing Concrete Driveways?

Working with concrete is complex and physically demanding. So, while DIY repairs are tempting, it’s rarely worth it, especially for anything beyond minor repairs. Sure, it’s satisfying to get the job done yourself, but it’s no fun having to tear it all back up if something goes wrong. 

A concrete repair professional brings their expertise, specialty concrete tools, and time-saving methods to the table, allowing you to quickly get the job done right the first time around. They also often warranty their work, which means they’ll return at no additional cost to remedy any issues that arise shortly after completing the repair. 

Popular concrete installers often remain booked out weeks to months in advance. But they may work simple repairs into their schedule between bigger jobs. You can simply give them a call and request a quote. Make sure to get a quote from at least three contractors before choosing one with the best price, a high level of experience, and a good reputation. 

So, Is Concrete Driveway Repair Worth the Cost for Your Home?

In all my years as a contractor, I’ve never had a customer regret restoring their concrete driveway with timely repairs. The cost savings are undeniable, enabling you to spend just a few hundred dollars and potentially save thousands in the process. It’s also nice to be able to retain use of your existing driveway instead of having to get another one poured and waiting for it to cure. 

Remember that preserving your old concrete driveway comes down to completing repairs right when you notice any damage. So, if you’ve recently spotted a tiny crack, edge damage, or any other issue, jump into action by getting quotes from multiple concrete installers. Take the first step by filling out the form below to find the top-rated concrete companies in your area. 

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FAQs About Cost of Concrete Driveway Repair

What is the life expectancy of a concrete driveway?

With proper care, a concrete driveway can last 30 to 50 years. Repairing damage as it appears is essential in maximizing the life of the driveway, especially in cold climates.

What’s the best way to repair cracks in a concrete driveway?

The best way to repair cracks in a concrete driveway is with a specially designed crack filler or patch compound. Clean the area thoroughly, push the filler deep into the crack, and smooth out the surface to get great results.

Should I replace my concrete driveway?

You don’t always need to replace your concrete driveway when damage appears. You can fill cracks and holes, fix crumbling edges, and even refinish the surface to restore its appearance and protect it from further damage.

What’s the best time of year to repair a concrete driveway?

The best time of the year to repair a concrete driveway is the early fall or mid to late spring. The mild weather gives you enough time to work with the concrete before it dries. And it’s ideal for helping the concrete properly set up and fully cure.

Editorial Contributors
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Marie Abendroth

Marie Abendroth is a former home improvement professional who now focuses on writing articles that help people care for their homes like a boss. Her maintenance must-dos, DIY tricks, and other insider info promise to help make your home the envy of the neighborhood. Whenever she gets a free moment, she loves frolicking with her farm dogs, playing with RC cars, and relaxing in the garden.

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Lora Novak

Senior Editor

Lora Novak meticulously proofreads and edits all commercial content for Today’s Homeowner to guarantee that it contains the most up-to-date information. Lora brings over 12 years of writing, editing, and digital marketing expertise. She’s worked on thousands of articles related to heating, air conditioning, ventilation, roofing, plumbing, lawn/garden, pest control, insurance, and other general homeownership topics.

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