Buying a pressure washer is an essential investment for homeowners to clean their properties easily and effectively. If you’re still having doubts about buying a power washer, maybe you still don’t know enough about the advantages, types, usage, applications, and when you should buy it?

In this blog, we will discuss when you should buy a pressure washer and some factors to consider before getting one.

When Is the Best Time to Buy a Pressure Washer?

If you think you need your very own pressure washer as soon as possible or think it might be handy for future uses, here are the best times to buy a pressure washer.

  • At least two weeks before your project. In this way, you will have enough time to research pressure washers and search different stores for the best price for each product to narrow down your options. A trick for this is to search pressure washers first on online stores and read their reviews. Once you have chosen a product, you will have enough time to wait for the shipping process or find physical stores that sell it.
  • Before or during the summer season. Pressure washers are mostly used during summer seasons because the environment favors the required humidity and atmospheric conditions for cleaning. Moreover, since you’re going to use the equipment more often, you can test its performance and find out if there’s anything wrong with the product. Most stores offer around one week to one month of replacement warranty.
  • Black Friday. Mostly, in the last week of November, companies conduct a Black Friday sale to start the holiday shopping season. They tend to give early-bird special treats and discounts to attract customers to their store. This is a great opportunity to buy quality pressure washers at a low price. It’s advisable to go to the store as soon as possible to get the best-selling equipment and avoid the product from getting out of stock.
  • Christmas and other seasonal sales. If you’ve been eyeing a particular pressure washer for a long time, buy it during sales for a cheaper price.

Should You Rent or Buy a Pressure Washer?

It’s advisable to rent a pressure washer if you won’t use it frequently, don’t have time for maintenance, have no space for its storage, or just plan to use it for a part-time job.

If you plan to use the power washer more than three times a year and you are capable of taking care of it, consider buying your unit to save money.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Pressure Washer

A pressure washer’s specific features can assess its strength and performance when cleaning different types of surfaces. Here are some considerations that you should know before getting your own pressure washer.

Type of Pressure Washer

Before buying a pressure washer, the first thing to know is the type of pressure washer that is suitable for your applications. Pressure washers use an engine to drive a pump to deliver high-pressure water through a nozzle to remove dirt, molds, mildews, and stains on concrete, wooden materials, and other surfaces.

For cleaning small areas and removing moist stains, electric pressure washers are ideal to use. These equipment are lightweight, emit minimal noise, require less maintenance, and generate no emissions. If taken indoors, they don’t need to be winterized, and their compact design makes them easy to store.

Uses: for small decks, patios, indoor and outdoor furniture, etc.

The length of the pressure washer’s unit’s cable and hose determines the size of your cleaning area. Furthermore, a lower water pressure results in a longer cleaning period.

Recommended product: Sun Joe SPX3000 ($160)

This type of pressure washer uses higher-pressure liquid to remove stubborn stains, such as chewing gum and sticky resins. Despite their size and weight, they can rapidly wash big surfaces including terraces, walls, and driveways even without the use of cleaning chemical additives.

Uses: Driveway, patio furniture, car, etching wooden materials, painted surfaces, etc.

Because gas machines should not be kept inside a house, the pump of a gas pressure washer must be winterized with anti-freeze solutions especially if you live in a cold environment.

Recommended product: Champion Power Equipment 4200-PSI ($1300)

This type of pressure washer can’t generate a tremendous amount of pressure, although it’s ideal for simple jobs that don’t require a lot of force.

Uses: Washing a car, cleaning floor tiles, removing wood stains on cedar siding

Battery-powered pressure washers can’t do deep cleaning and might not be able to remove tough stains.

Recommended product: ROCKPALS Cordless Pressure Washer 870 PSI ($340)


PSI or pounds per square inch is the measurement of the water pressure and its ability to blow away debris. The higher the PSI, the stronger the water pressure is.

  • Light-duty – 1,000 to 1,800 PSI
  • Medium-duty- 1,801 to 2, 800 PSI
  • Heavy-duty- 2,801 PSI and above

Nozzle Size

The size of the nozzle determines the pressure and spread of the water. The narrower a nozzle, the more powerful the water stream. Wider nozzle generates less pressure and spreads more which can make the job faster since it covers a wider area.


If you plan to use your pressure washer in different places, choose a pressure washer that has a compact design and weighs less. A gas-powered pressure washer is usually the heaviest, around 100 pounds or more. Battery-powered and electric-powered equipment are the lightest types of power washers.

Maintenance and Possible Parts Replacement

Electric start kits, pumps, and motor replacements are sometimes hard to deal with. This is because of the availability of possible alternatives to replace a part of your pressure washer and its compatibility. Make sure to read the manual or ask the shop personnel about its maintenance.

Gallons per minute (GPM)

GPM refers to the liquid flow from the engine to the nozzle. The higher the pressure washer’s GPM, the faster the cleaning process takes place.

Uses of Pressure Washers

Buying a pressure washer is a great investment to use for cleaning the following areas:

  • Outdoor furniture and structures
  • Lawnmowers, farm equipment, air conditioner, etc.
  • Vehicle external cover and parts (trucks, boats, cars, and bikes)
  • Compressors, crankcase, and other engine parts
  • House walls, roof, chimney, pool, decks, and fences
  • Walkway, driveway, and patios
  • Remove graffiti, furniture finishing, and tough stains

Overall, the best time to buy a pressure washer is when you are fully confident that you can handle the responsibilities of owning this equipment. This investment will save you a lot of time and money in the future.

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Matt Greenfield

Matt Greenfield is an experienced writer specializing in home improvement topics. He has a passion for educating and empowering homeowners to make informed decisions about their properties. Matt's writing focuses on a range of topics, including windows, flooring, HVAC, and construction materials. With a background in construction and home renovation, Matt is well-versed in the latest trends and techniques in the industry. His articles offer practical advice and expert insights that help readers tackle their home improvement projects with confidence. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned professional, Matt's writing is sure to provide valuable guidance and inspiration.

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